Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

57th WDPV Materials by the SMP Vocation Rogate Center

As the 57th World Day of Prayer for Vocations approaches, the Provincial Rogate Vocation Center (PRVC) of the St. Matthew Province disseminates materials in preparation for the said celebration.

The Center aims to provide dioceses, parishes, ecclesial communities, lay groups, and individuals, with materials to guide them to a fruitful and meaningful celebration of the Rogationist Day “par excellence".

Mascherine contro Covid-19

La comunità rogazionista dello studentato teologico di Paranaque (Filippine) ha aderito all'iniziativa di fabbricazione di mascherine e di schermi protettivi (face masks) per essere distribuiti agli operatori sanitari e ai poveri che ne hanno molto bisogno. Il Covid-19 si è diffuso così rapidamente anche nelle Filippine, con conseguente scarsità di dispositivi di protezione negli ospedali e nei centri sanitari.

FISH closes School Year 2019-2020

The Formation Institute of Saint Hannibal (FISH) in Maumere, Indonesia officially closes the school year 2019-2020 with the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Ferdinandus Heldi Tanga, the coordinator of the Institute. Before the final blessing, Fr. Tanga delivered his message, followed by the giving of the certificate of completion to all the Aspirants and Postulants. A short cultural presentation and lunch followed.  

Strategic Planning 2020-2021

The St. Matthew Province organized in two consecutive sessions its annual Evaluation and Planning covering the School Year 2019-2020 and School Year 2020-2021. 

On March 3-4, 2020, selected representatives of the commissions under each Provincial Councilor, Treasurer and Secretary discussed the program of each sector, reviewing the plans that were accomplished, those still ongoing and those in need of being rolled over to be part of the succeeding year’s tasks. 

Annual Training of Treasurers

Bro. Nilo Pelobello, St. Matthew Province Treasurer, organized an ongoing formation of the Treasurers of Local Communities that focused on the use of the Easy Census program and the Personal Accounting Worksheet. The output of the hands-on workshop was the completion of their respective community’s 2019 annual accounting report (Prospetto). The training was held at the computer center of Rogationist College-Cavite, while the participants were accommodated at the Oasis of Prayer-Cavite. The training happened on February 27-29, 2020.

Seminar on Child Welfare and Protection

FISH (Formation Institute of Saint Hannibal) in collaboration with the TRUK-F (Tim Relawan untuk Kemanusiaan-Flores) organized the seminar on child protection and the accompaniment of victims of sexual abuse and injustices held on February 24 at Aula Susteran Alma Wairklau, Maumere, Indonesia. Formators and formands of different Congregations attended the event.  

1st Rogationist Laity Summit in the Province

Around 60 lay people from different Rogationist lay associations and institutions participated in the first-ever Rogationist Laity Summit in St. Matthew Province, on Feb. 29 – Mar. 1, 2020 at the Rogationist College Paranaque. Reflecting on the theme "Rogate, A Gift to be Received and Shared to the Outskirts of the World", the gathering aimed at deepening the understanding and commitment to the charism of the Rogate of the lay collaborators, who are “co-laborers” in the harvest of the Lord.

Cause for Beatification and Canonization of Fr. Joseph (Giuseppe) Aveni Opens on Feb. 1 in Parañaque

The opening of the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God, Fr. Joseph (Giuseppe) Aveni (1918-2010) starts on Feb. 1, 10am, at the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians, Better Living Subdivision. It coincided with the celebration of the Consecrated Life Day in the Diocese of Paranaque. 

Fr. Aveni, who spent the last 30 years of his life in the Philippines, was born in Tripi, Messina on December 5, 1918. The Avenis were a pious family whose home shared a wall with the altar of St. Blaise’s Church in his hometown.

Eruzione del Vulcano Taal in Filippine

Nella notte scorsa è entrato in attività il pericoloso vulcano Taal, nell'isola di Luzon, in Filippine. La situazione è ancora in evoluzione, e le prime foto che arrivano da Silang, non distante dal disastro, danno l'idea del dramma che si sta vivendo in quella nazione. Padre Rampazzo e Padre Orville Cajigal, Superiore Provinciale, in visita in Vietnam, assicurano le loro preghiere, così come invitano tutta la Famiglia Rogazionista ad essere spiritualmente unita alle Filippine colpite da questa catastrofe naturale.

Institution in the Ministries and Acceptance of New Aspirants at the Missionary Station of Vietnam

At the Missionary Station of Vietnam, Bro. Francis Xavier Nguyen Phuc Thien, RCJ was instituted in the Ministry of Lector, while Bro. Peter Truong Viet Thien, RCJ was instituted in the Ministry of Acolyte on December 25, 2019, at the community Chapel of Don Bosco, in Dalat. Four new Aspirants were also formally accepted during the same liturgy, which was presided over by Fr. King Cena, RCJ, the Responsible and Delegate ad personam in the Vietnam.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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