Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)


This year’s 54th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, celebrated on May 7, 2017, had the theme: “LED BY THE SPIRIT FOR MISSION”. Produced by the St. Hannibal Rogate Center Community, this is the Official Poster of the WDPV celebration offered by the Rogationist St. Matthew Province. The featured photo was taken from one of the mission areas of the Rogationist Mission Station-Papua New Guinea in Sideia, Milne Bay Province.

New Parish Priest of St. Catherine of Siena Parish Announced on Feast Day

Most Rev. Socrates Villegas, DD, the Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan and the current President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines presided over the concelebrated Holy Mass at the St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Villanueva, Bautista, Pangasinan on April 30, 2017. In the same liturgy, which was graced by the presence of Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior and his Provincial Vicar, and Fr. John Joffer Lucas, Provincial Councilor on Parishes, the Archbishop introduced Fr. Joseph Arcaño RCJ as the incoming Pastor to the faithful of the Parish. Fr. Arcaño succeeds Fr.

Rogationists in Vietnam Join 54th World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The Rogationists in Vietnam actively participated in the celebration of the 54th World Day of Prayer for Vocations in two dioceses, namely: Phu Cuong and Soc Trang, on May 7, 2017. The confreres and the aspirants set up booths during the youth camp organized for hundreds of young people from different parishes of the two dioceses. The World Day of Prayer for Vocations is widely celebrated in all the dioceses in Vietnam, with moments of prayer, adoration, catechesis and the Eucharist.

St. Matthew Province Starts Conference Series on “Communion in Communities

The Rogationist St. Matthew Province has organized a Series Talks on the theme “Communion in Communities”, spread out through the entire year, with the venue at the Oasis of Prayer - Rogationist Spirituality Center in Silang, Cavite.


Fiesta at the St. Catherine of Siena Parish - Villanueva

"Jesus must be for us, as he had been to the disciples at the road to Emmaus - a 'kabayan', 'kaanak' and 'kasalo'. We must continuously encounter Him, who shared everything we experienced [except sin]. He is ever ready to walk with us through life." These words summarize the homily of Most Rev. Socrates Villegas, DD, the Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, who presided over the concelebrated Holy Mass at the St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Villanueva, Bautista, Pangasinan on April 30, 2017. In the same liturgy, which was graced by the presence of Fr.

Birthday Celebration of Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta and the Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Fr. Gilson Luiz Maia

On April 30, 2017, the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish hosted the celebration of the Birthday of Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, the General Vicar and of the 25th Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Fr. Gilson Luiz Maia, the General Councilor on the Sector of the Sector of the Laity, the Youth and the Parishes. In the Holy Mass, presided over by Fr. Ezpeleta, with much enthusiasm did he recount to the faithful the encounter between the disheartened disciples and the risen Jesus at the road to Emmaus.

The General Assembly of the St. Matthew Province 2017

General Assembly 2017

“Oramus et Servimus”

We Pray and We Serve

Oasis of Prayer, Lalaan II, Silang, Cavite

April 17-21, 2017

Spiritual Retreat

First Day

April 17, 2017 (Monday)

Assemblea della Provincia San Matteo

Con gioia e speranza seguiamo i lavori dell’Assemblea della Provincia San Matteo che si svolgono nel Centro di Spiritualità “Oasi di Preghiera”, Silang, Filippine. L’assemblea è iniziata con il ritiro spirituale guidato dal sacerdote domenicano, Prof. Enrico Gonzales.  Subito dopo vi è stata la conferenza del Superiore Generale, P. Bruno Rampazzo.  I lavori proseguiranno fino al prossimo sabato, giorno 22. Partecipano 95 religiosi provenienti dalle comunità situate nelle sei nazioni nelle quali è presente la Provincia.

Friends of Fr. Joseph Aveni, Vol 2, n.4 - April 2017

Dearest, May I share to you the latest issue of the supplementary leaflet "Friends of Father Joseph Aveni", Vol 2, n. 4 for this month of April 2017. 

Wishing you a fruitful Holy Week celebration of the Passion of the Lord and sending you in advance my heartfelt greetings of  HAPPY EASTER! BUONA PASQUA! FELIZ PASCUA!

Fr. Jessie G. Martirizar, RCJ

Annual Evaluation and Planning of the St. Matthew Provincial Council 2017

With the Strategic Plan 2014-2018 as basis and guided by common prayers, the St. Matthew Provincial Council held their Annual Evaluation and Planning 2017 at the Oasis of Prayer in Lalaan II, Silang, Cavite on April 3-5, 2017.

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Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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