
“Torna a vedere!” – Due oculisti a Shënkoll

I giorni dello scorso fine settimana (21-23 ottobre) sono stati giorni di intenso lavoro per due medici oculisti, Ivo Vulpi e Francesco Montagna ,...

Conclusion of the Marian month at the Rogationist College Cavite

As part of the concluding activities for the Marian month, students of the Rogationist College Cavite participated in the Marian Look-a- Like contest...

Missioni Rog. Calendario 2023

Il Nuovo calendario Missioni Rog dell'anno 2023 è disponibile. Per riceverne copie rivolgersi alla segreteria dell'ufficio Missionario Centrale in...

Mission Experience Sharing: Papua New Guinea

OCTOBER 24- The Father Hannibal Formation Center was graced by the presence of Fr. Henry Ramos, RCJ, a Rogationist missionary priest based in Papua...

Turn-over of office at the St. Matthew Province

(Oct. 25) The newly formed provincial government of the St. Matthew Province received the indications and the documentation from the previous...

Giornata Missionaria Mondiale a Roma, parrocchia S. Antonio a Circonvallazione Appia

Presso la Parrocchia Sant'Antonio a Circonvallazione Appia, a Roma, domenica 23 ottobre 2022 si è tenuta, in occasione della 96ª Giornata Missionaria...
At the Fr Di Francia Center of Studies Chapel

With the Religious Students in Paranaque

(Oct. 24) The Superior General, Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, together with Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, Fr. Brizio Giovanni Greco, and other Rogationist Confreres...

Visit to the inserted community in Pasay

(Oct. 24) After the courtesy visit to Cardinal Jose Advincula, the Rogationist delegation visited the site of the Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted...
L-R: Fr. Ezpeleta,  Card. Advincula, Fr. Rampazzo,  Fr. Greco

Courtesy visit to Card. Advincula of the Archdiocese of Manila

(Oct. 24) Cardinal Jose Advincula of the Archdiocese of Manila received the Rogationist delegation for a courtesy visit and a dialogue. The...

Ouverture de l’année Formative Ngoya

Ouverture de l’année Formative Ngoya Le scolasticat Saint Hannibal Marie Di Francis de Ngoya a abrité en son sein, plusieurs événements ce samedi 22...


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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