Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le ven, 11/11/2016 - 19:23
On November 8-10, St. Mary’ Parish celebrated the National Vocation Awareness Week. Two days were intended for around 600 CCD students and Agape students who were preparing for their first communion and RCIA programs.
Today, September 29, 2016, the universal Church celebrates a very important event, the Feast Day of Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. But also today, Frs. John Bruno and Vito di Marzio, rcj celebrated their 50th Anniversary of Religious Profession. The Eucharistic celebration was done in St. Mary’s Parish at 5, 30 p.m. in Sanger, California.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le jeu, 05/26/2016 - 09:58
The Superior of the Delegation, Fr. Antonio Fiorenza made the Canonical Visit to the community of St. Elizabeth Parish in Van nuys from May 24-25, 2016. Fr. Edwin documented the said visit.
The community in Van nuys is composed of Fr. Antonio Fiorenza as superior and director of Rogate Center, Fr. Vito di Marzio, Pastor and Vice Superior, Fr. Denny Avimoottil, Treasurer and Assistant Pastor.
La Visita Canonica del P. Antonio Fiorenza en Tonala se realizò desde 18 hasta 22 de Abril. Fue acompañado por P. Edwin Manio, el segretario de la Delegación Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. La Comunidad religiosa de Tonala es compuesta por P.Javier Flores, como Superior, P. Jupeter Quinto, Vice- Superior y Tresorero, P. Manesh, Promotor Vocacional. Los Formadores del Seminario tienen 1 hermano religioso, y siete seminaristas en su cargo.
Today, April 23, 2016, Brother Eduardo Rodríguez López, RCJ, received the Ministry of Acolyte within the Mass presided by Bishop José Guadalupe Martín Rabago.
The celebration took place in the Chapel of our Seminary at 12:00 pm. We were honored to have among us the Superior of the Delegation, Fr. Antonio Fiorenza who was doing the Canonical Visit to our Community.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le ven, 04/15/2016 - 09:13
Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, the Superior of Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation, made a Canonical Visit to the community of Sanger in California last April 12-13, 2016.
The Canonical Visit is an expression of fraternal communion to the religious in the community, also made complete with the encounter with the different pastoral groups representatives both in Del Rey and Sanger.
Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, the Superior of the Delegation of our Lady of Guadalupe started his First Canonical Visit to the community of St. Jane Frances de Chantal in North Hollywood, California last March 15-16, 2016. He was accompanied by Fr. Edwin Manio as Secretary of the Delegation.
The community here is composed by Fr. Rene Panlasigui, as Superior and Vocation Director, Fr. Antonio Carlucci as Pastor and Vice Superior, Fr. Shinto Panachikattu, Treasurer and Vice Pastor.
The Rogationist Assembly of Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation officially commenced with the Concelebrated Eucharist at 8,10 a.m. presided by the Superior of the Delegation Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, rcj. The Assembly will be held from December 28-30, 2015 in Van nuys, California.
The theme of this year’s gathering is Community Life in the context of Parish Apostolate explained in a conference by Scalibrinian priest Fr. Raniero Allessandrini, CS.
29 aprile 2015 – Il Superiore Generale, P. Angelo A. Mezzari, alla scadenza del quadriennio del Governo della Delegazione U.S.A., dopo aver compiuto l’apta consultatio, e riscontrata la disponibilità da parte degli interessati, con il consenso del Consiglio Generalizio, il 29 aprile 2015, ha provveduto al rinnovo del Governo della Delegazione, con le seguenti nomine:
P. Antonio Fiorenza, Superiore della Delegazione U.S.A. P. Edwin Manio, Consigliere Segretario . P. Devassy Painadath, Consigliere Economo. Da tutta la Congregazione i migliori auguri di buon lavoro.
Alcune delle immagini durante la Messa funebre di p. Rodolfo. La Messa esequiale è stata presieduta da Mons. Gerald Wilkerson presso la parrocchia di S. Elisabetta in Vannuys