With a Seminar on Emotional Quotient growth for religious leaders, facilitated Mrs. Lourdes Migne, the annual three-day Meeting of Superiors/Responsible and Treasurers commenced on September 15, 2016, at the St. Hannibal Rogate Center, with 25 participants. Fr. Herman Abcede, presided over the beginning of the second day of the Meeting, On September 16, 2016, by discussing with the participants their Liturgical obligations and the other relevant duties and responsibilities expected of them as animators of their respective communities. To complete the sessions in the morning, Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta took the floor to re-echo the significant matters decided on during the XII General Chapter in Rome, focusing mainly on concerns related to the sector on Formation. In the afternoon, Fr. Gioacchino Chiapperini, the General Treasurer, assisted by Bro. Nilo Pelobello, facilitated the presentation of the new Easy Census program for the communities' accounting. Fr. Mariano Antonio Ranera, Jr., ended the discussions on fiscal matters by presenting for approvation a proposal from the Provincial Economic Team on how to better assist close collaborators in the different communities. The third day of the Meeting, on September 17, 2016, commenced with a presentation by Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun on How to Prepare Project Proposals, immediately followed by Fr. John Joffer Lucas reporting on the latest version of the Manual of the Union of Prayer for Vocations. Fr. Orville Cajigal, then, explained straightaway the programs to be introduced through the newly established Provincial Missionary Office, including the Adoption-at-a-Distance and Missionary Adoption Schemes and the Provincial Scholarship Program. Finally, Bro. Nilo Pelobello completed the morning session, and therefore closed the entire encounter, by presenting a detailed economic status of the Province. On this same occasion, Fr. Niptale Frogoza was conferred a Plaque of Recognition to congratulate him on the 25th Anniversary of his Priestly Ordination. Fr. Herman Abcede facilitated the flow of the day's sessions. May St. Hannibal continually guide his sons as they strive to follow his footsteps!
Bro. Christian Allan R. De Sagun, RCJ