Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Sito web dei Rogazionisti in Vietnam

I Rogazionisti in Vietnam hanno recentemente creato il loro sito web:

Vietnam: Solidarietà mensile con i poveri

Ogni mese, la Comunità Rogazionista di Saigon condivide oltre un centinaio di confezioni alementari con i poveri che raccolgono bottiglie riciclabili, metalli e materiali plastici nei pressi della Michael House nel distretto di Tan Binh, a Ho Chi Minh City, in Vietnam. Questo programma è sostenuto dalla comunità e dall'aiuto di volontari e benefattori, vicini e lontani.

Indonesia: Admission to the Seminary Preparatory Year

The new aspirants in Seminary Preparatory Year (Propedeutic) receives the cross from Fr. Henrikus Gualbertus, Responsible of the House in Wailiti.
The newly admitted SPY canidates, six Rogationists and six Stigmatines.
Fr. Herbert Magbuo, Superior Delegate in Indonesia.
Fr. Petrus Marianus with Stigmatine religious.
Stigmatine SPY formands and their community.
The newly admitted  Rogationist and Stigmatine SPY canidates, together with the formation team.
The Rogationists confreres of the Missionary Station of Indonesia.
The new aspirants in Seminary Preparatory Year (Propedeutic) receives the cross from Fr. Henrikus Gualbertus, Responsible of the House in Wailiti.
Concelebrated Mass
Concelebrated Mass
Concelebrated Mass
Concelebrated Mass

(Nov 19) The Rogationist Mission Station of Indonesia (MSI) celebrates three special occasions today. The first is the 18th anniversary of the Rogationist presence in Indonesia, the second is the Priestly Anniversary of Fr. Petrus Marianus RCJ, and the third is the Admission of our new formands in the stage of Seminary Preparatory Year (SPY) or the Propedeutic stage. Among the six Rogationists in the SPY, there are also six other Stigmatine formands who are joining the program of the Rogationists in the formation house located in Wailiti.

Rogationists Vocation Night 2022

Rogationist Seminary Manila


RCJ Vocation Campaign 2022

San Martin De Porres, Paranaque City

Consecrated life is born and reborn of an encounter with Jesus as he is: poor, chaste and obedient.

-Pope Francis

Send, O Lord,

Holy Apostles into your Church!

Ripresa Causa P. Aveni e Presentazione Relazione della Commissione Storica al Tribunale Diocesana

Carissimi, con grande gioia vi comunico che oggi, 17 Nov alle ore 14:30, finalmente dopo 2 anni di sospensione, riprenderemo il processo diocesano per la Causa P. Aveni, con la presentazione al Tribunale della Relazione della Commissione Storica e la consegna di relativa documentazione. Ringraziamo il Signore e continuiamo a pregare per il buon proseguimento del processo. Che tutto sia secondo la Sua divina volontà.  p. jessie

Annual recollection of the Office of Spiritual Affairs

Rogate Sports Fest 2022 in Maumere

            The Rogationist seminarians of Wailiti and Ribang had the opening ceremony of the 2022 Rogate Sports Festival at the Wailiti seminary sea-side grounds on November 13, 2022. Fr. Herbert Magbuo, the Superior Delegate in Indonesia, and the other formators graced the affair. The seminarians are divided into different teams taking the names of the famous international football team.  After the ceremonial lighting of the torch, the different groups competed in football and volleyball. 

Rogationists in Vietnam: World Day of the Poor

Bahn Mi Anton: Bread of St. Anthony cart.
Rogationists and volunteers working together.
A weekly commitment of the Rogationist seminarians in Dalat.
A weekly commitment of the Rogationist seminarians in Dalat.
Distribution of sandwiches every Saturday.
Distribution of sandwiches every Saturday.
Distribution of sandwiches every Saturday.
Distribution of sandwiches every Saturday.
Distribution of sandwiches every Saturday.
Distribution of sandwiches every Saturday.

The three Rogationist communities in Vietnam and their volunteers celebrated the World Day of the Poor 2022 in a particular way with the distribution of the “Bread of St. Anthony” to the poor. The project of preparing around 750 sandwiches every Saturday started two years ago and continues on with the efforts of the Confreres, seminarians, volunteers, and benefactors.  

Pamilya Rog Iloilo (Philippines)

            The Pamilya Rog in Iloilo gathered for the first time as a group on November 13, 2022, at the Rogationist contemplative community in Mina, Iloilo. Fr. Marcelino Diaz II facilitated the event with a conference and a moment of prayer together.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
© 2023 xxxxx