Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Invitation to the formal Acceptance of the Novices and to the First Profession

Invito alla prima professione.
Invito alla prima professione.
Invito all'ammissione al noviziato.
Il gruppo dei novizi e postulanti prima degli esercizi spirituali in preparazione all'evento del 4 luglio.

The St. Matthew Province cordially invites you to the First Profession of five brothers (3 Filipinos and 2 Vietnamese) and to the formal acceptance of 16 novices (2 Filipinos, 9 Indonesians, and 5 Vietnamese). The Holy Mass, which incorporates the rites, to be presided over by Fr. Ariel Tecson, RCJ, will be held at the St. Anthony's Boys Village in Lalaan II, Silang, Cavite, on July 4, 2022, 10:00 am. Let us continue to pray for more and holy vocations!



Il Promotore della Vocazione ha continuato la visita a domicilio con i candidati e i seminaristi di Ilocos Sur. I padri della FHFC sono stati molto grati alle famiglie di Sems. Efren Vince-Cruz, Aeron Quitilen, Bryan Ponce, Kier Kelly, Renzel Marquez, tutti provengono dalla città di Sta Cruz, e alla famiglia di Angel Ricolcolin di Burgos, Ilocos Sur.

Caffé Sant'Antonio - Silang

Shalom!. A blessed feast day of St. Anthony of Padua - IL SANTO!!!


Almighty ever-living God, who in Saint Anthony of Padua, true model of Gospel worker, you have given to your people an eminent preacher and a patron of the poor and the suffering, grant that through his intercession, we may follow the teachings of the Gospel and experience in trials the help of your mercy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who is God, and lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, AMEN

Campi estivi vocazionali nella Provincia San Matteo

I due seminari della Provincia di San Matteo hanno appena concluso i campi estivi di orientamento alla vocazione. Il seminario di Paranaque (Manila) lo ha avuto il 26-29 maggio, mentre il seminario di Cebu lo ha tenuto il 6-9 aprile.

Summer Vocation Orientation Camp 2022 in Paranaque and Cebu

Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Cebu
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Paranaque
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Paranaque
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Paranaque
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Paranaque
Summer Vocation Camp 2022 - Paranaque

            The two seminaries of the St. Matthew Province in the Philippines have just concluded the summer vocation orientation camps. The Seminary in Paranaque (Manila) had it on May 26-29, while the Seminary in Cebu had it on April 6-9.

Archbishop Lazo in Rogamina

Archbishop Lazo con i giovani membri della Unione della Preghiera per le vocazioni, Iloilo chapter.

Mons. Jose Lazo, Archbishop of Jaro, presided over the Eucharist on June 1, the Solemnity of St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia, at the Shrine dedicated to our Founder, in the compound of Rogamina, Iloilo. This annual event is attended by devotees of St. Hannibal and organized by the community in collaboration with the Union of Prayer for vocations. The miracle that paved the way to the canonization of St. Hannibal happened in the Archdiocese of Iloilo, to a newly born baby girl.



25th anniversary of Rogationist religious life

Fr. Dante Quidayan celebrated his silver jubilee of Rogationist religious profession in the crypt of St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia in the Basilica Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua in Messina on June 1st, the Solemnity of our Father Founder. Fellow Rogationist Formators on pilgrimage in Messina joined him during the Eucharistic celebration. After his homily, which centered on the theme of availability, relationship and prayer, he made a devotional renewal of vows. On June 8, he presided over the Thanksgiving Mass for his jubilee anniversary together with the community of the General Curia.

Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ at a Confirmation Rite in Chicago

Padre Orville Cajigal, RCJ, il Superiore Provinciale, ha concelebrato con Padre Noel Reyes (Associato Rogazionista) nel rito della cresima presso la parrocchia di St. Jerome a Chicago, Illinois, USA. Il sacramento è stato presieduto il reverendo Mark Bartosic, DD, vicario episcopale del vicariato II dell'arcidiocesi di Chicago durante la Veglia di Pentecoste.

Visit to the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

On May 31, 2022, Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr. Orville Cajigal, the Provincial Superior, paid the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Most. Rev. Robert Casey, a courtesy visit. During this same occasion, Fr. Cajigal also had an encounter with the Vicar for Religious of the said Archidiocese, Sr. Joan McGlinchy, MSC. The Provincial Superior was privileged to have been introduced, as well, to Rev. Robert Fedek, the Administrative Secretary of His Eminence, Cardinal Blase Cupich.


The community of SABV-D held a despedida Party for the Grade 12 interns and for the Brother Assistants.

We thank them, the grade 12 interns for being good examples to the younger interns, not only in studies, but also on being good in relationship with others and rule abiding interns. We thank also the Brother Assistants, Bro. Lorie, Bro. James, Bro. Peter and Bro. Joseph Bryan for their services rendered to the community. May you grow in your vocation and continue to be Good laborers in the vineyard of the Lord! We promise we will always pray for you!


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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