(July 24) Today, the St. Matthew Province commemorated the 13th death anniversary of the Servant of God, Fr. Joseph Aveni, RCJ with a Holy Mass at the SMP cemetery in Manila Memorial Park in Paranaque. Ronaldo Masilang, RCJ, Provincial Councillor for Charity and Missions, presided over the Eucharistic Liturgy concelebrated by some of the Rogationist priests from the various nearby communities. The celebration was also graced by the presence of some friends who experienced the love, care and spiritual direction of Fr. Aveni.
Il Rogationist Seminary College of Philosophy - Manila (RSCP) ha inaugurato il nuovo anno scolastico 2023-2024 con la Messa dello Spirito Santo alla quale hanno partecipato i docenti e il personale della faculta', i formatori e gli studenti delle diverse congregazioni che studiano al RSCP. P. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, Superiore Provinciale, ha presieduto la Messa.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Dom, 07/23/2023 - 10:43
The Fr. Hannibal Formation Center Community gratefully welcomes 10 new aspirants who have come from different parts of Luzon for the Formation Year 2023-2024. As they entered the seminary, their faces displayed a mix of emotions - excitement, hesitations, and everything in between. Saying goodbye to their families was undoubtedly difficult, but the formators and seminarians embraced them with hospitality and understanding, just as they had experienced when they first arrived. It's not truly a goodbye to the world, but rather a "see you again soon" with a new mission.
Fr. Joseph Chu Ngoc Kien ha emesso la Professione Perpetua nelle mani di P. King Cena, Delegato del Superiore Provinciale, presso la Casa San Michele di Ho Chi Chi il 5 luglio 2023.Nello stesso rito, altri quattro studenti e magisterianti rogazionisti in Vietnam hanno rinnovato i loro voti. P. Joseph Phan Nguyen, rappresentante legale dei Rogazionisti in Vietnam, ha presieduto la Santa Messa. La liturgia è stata concelebrata dai sacerdoti Rogazionisti in Vietnam e da altri sacerdoti di alcune diocesi e di altre congregazioni religiose.
(5 luglio 2023) La Provincia San Matteo ha celebrato il 172° anniversario della nascita di Sant'Annibale Maria Di Francia con la Professione Perpetua e il Rinnovo dei Voti nelle Filippine (Teologato di Paranaque, Seminario di Cebu, St. Anthony's Boys Village di Davao) e in Vietnam (St. Michael House di Ho Chi Minh City).
(4 luglio 2023) Lodiamo il Signore della Messe per aver benedetto la nostra Congregazione con il dono delle vocazioni. Durante la celebrazione eucaristica nella Cappella del St. Anthony's Boys Village a Silang, Cavite, P. Orville Cajigal, Superiore Provinciale della Provincia San Matteo, ha ricevuto la Prima Professione Religiosa di 16 novizi (9 indonesiani, 5 vietnamiti, 2 filippini). Nella stessa cerimonia liturgica, 11 postulanti (4 indonesiani, 4 vietnamiti, 3 filippini) sono stati ammessi al noviziato.
During the celebration of the Feast of July First, 10 young men from the Rogationist seminaries in the Philippines and Vietnam were formally admitted to the Rogationist postulancy during the Holy Mass held at the covered basketball court of the Saint Hannibal Rogate Center. Confreres from different communities such as SHFC-Merville, SHFC-Cebu, FDFCS, OLMHP-Multinational, novices, parents, benefactors, and friends were present during the liturgy.
(July 1) The Daughters of Divine Zeal and the Rogationists in Maumere, Indonesia celebrated together the commemoration of the coming of our Lord and Master, Jesus in the Eucharist, who began to take possession of the Works in the district of Avignone in the time of our Founder and continues to take possession of the Congregation present in different parts of the world.
The Rogationist College Senior High (RCSHS) School Honors' Assembly, with this year's theme Ego Sum Ostium "I am the gate,” from John 10:9 took place to honor and celebrate the students' noteworthy displays of perseverance and commitment over an exceptionally challenging academic year.