Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Ordinazione Sacerdotale a Maumere (Indonesia)

Ordinazione Sacerdotale a Maumere (Indonesia)

Oggi, 21 settembre 2022, in occasione della festa di San Matteo, patrono della nostra provincia, la Stazione Missionaria dell'Indonesia ha tenuto una celebrazione molto speciale: L'ordinazione sacerdotale dei nostri Rev. Aryo, RCJ e Rev. Adin, RCJ, attraverso l'imposizione delle mani dell'Arcivescovo di Ende (Mons. Vincentius Sensi Poto Kota). La solenne celebrazione eucaristica è iniziata alle 9 del mattino, ora dell'Indonesia orientale, nella cappella di San Francesco Saverio - Wailiti - Maumere - Indonesia.

Turnover of the Office of the Superior at the SHEC

(News article and pictures from the St. Hannibal Empowerment Center)

Orientation of the Superiors and Responsible of the SMP Houses

The Office of the Provincial Superior organized a three-day orientation for the new Superiors and Responsible held on September 12-14, 2022 hosted by the St. Hannibal Rogate Center. The encounters which were participated in - physically by some and virtually by the rest - by new and even old animators of communities, a few of the secretaries and archivists and treasurers of the local houses of the St. Matthew Province covers the following topics: 1.) Roles and Responsibilities of the Superiors/Responsible, facilitated by Fr.

Ordinazione Sacerdotale dei Diaconi Damianus Doe e Agustinus Afridus,

14.09.2022 – Il 21 settembre alle ore 9,00, nella chiesa di S. Francesco Saverio a Wailiti (Indonesia) i Diaconi Damianus Doe e  Agustinus Afridus riceveranno il Sacro Ordine del Presbiterato. Vivissimi Auguri!

Pamilya Rog Ilocos Sur Chapter Instituted

          The Pamilya Rogate Ilocos Sur Chapter was successfully instituted today, Sept 10, 2022.

Postulancy Community Complete

            The Postulant Formative Community for the School Year 2022-2023 is finally complete with the arrival in Manila of four Mexican postulants from the Delegation of Our Lady of Guadalupe on September 6, 2022. A week earlier, on August 29, five Indonesian postulants also arrived, joining the four Vietnamese and seven Filipino Postulants who are already in the Postulancy House of the St. Matthew Province located in the compound of the Provincial House in Paranaque City. Fr.

Rogationist Mission Day at St. Matthew Province

At the St. Hannibal Rogate Center, the religious community, with the guest missionaries, the postulants and Mass-goers, celebrated the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on September 8, 2022. The solemn liturgy, which also incorporated the launching of the Rogationist Mission Day 2022 (RMD), was presided over by Fr. Dexter Prudenciano, RCJ, the Provincial Vicar and Councilor on the Sector on the Service of Charity and Missions. Fr.

Formal Opening of the School Year


Guimaras. Ground breaking of a new Chapel

(September 8) As we celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Rogate Center of Pastoral Care for Vocations (Camp Alfredo - Guimaras) comenced the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Chapel of the Child Mary (Maria Bambinella Chapel) with the celebration of the Holy Mass. It was presided over by Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, our Provincial Superior, with Fr. Jessie Martirizar, Fr. Al John Provido, Fr. Jobert Belgica, Fr. Ronaldo Victoria. Also in attendance were Mr. & Mrs. Dindo and Socorro Cortez, Ms. Jenny Lim and some relatives of Fr. All John. In his homily, Fr.

Incontro dei formatori delle varie Congregazioni in Maumere

(29 agosto) I Superiori e i formatori di diverse Congregazioni che si trovano nella Diocesi di Maumere (Indonesia), i cui formandi frequentano i corsi del Formation Institute of St. Hannibal (FISH), hanno avuto un incontro congiunto presso il Seminario Rogazionista di Wailiti, Maumere, come parte della preparazione e della valutazione delle attività di insegnamento e apprendimento per il nuovo anno formativo. P. Petrus RCJ, direttore dell'Istituto, ha facilitato l'incontro.



Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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