Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Dom, 11/20/2016 - 10:32
Aluva, 19 November 2016: The agonizing and anxious waiting had its end on 19th November with the funeral function of Fr. Roy Moothedath RCJ at The Synodal Church, Udayamperoor that is his own parish. The funeral ceremony was preceded by Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Chakkiath, the Bishop Emeritus, in the presence of the sorrowing family as well as a big assembly consists of big number of priests, sisters and laity. The human remaining of Fr. Roy was received at the airport at around 3:00 am and brought to the Rogate ashram chapel. Fr.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Sab, 11/12/2016 - 09:32
Aluva, 12 November 2016: Rogationist Academy celebrated the children’s day on 12 November 2016, Saturday in the morning. This celebration is in honour of Mr.Jawaharlal Nehru, a national leader, whose birthday is regarded as the national children’s day. All the parents were invited to have their presence on this occasion. The parents were introduced to the new programme of our Academy called Jungle Cubs for the physical education of children. The celebration was made colourful with the various beautiful programmes of the children and the competitions.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Gio, 10/27/2016 - 12:10
Aluva, 26 October 2016: Fr.Unny Pottokkaran RCJ was honoured in the farewell meeting, held on 26 October 2016 at Rogate Ashram at 7:00 pm. The invited dignitaries extended their wishes and prayers to Fr.Unny who has been elected as the general councillor for Rogate, the first one from Indian Circumscription. The entire quasi province gratefully acknowledged his laudable service in the different sectors.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Gio, 10/27/2016 - 12:08
Aluva, 26 October 2016: As the initiative from the part of the Rogationist Fathers in India, the first gathering of the Alliance of Sacred Heart Spirituality was conducted at St.Thomas Quasi Province House on 26th October 2016 at 10:00 am. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil RCJ, the Major superior of the St. Thomas Quasi province, welcomed everyone to the meeting and remembered Rev. Fr. Luigi Toffanin RCJ the former Major Superior of the Rogationist Fathers, who had a great dream about this alliance and put forward this idea in his time. The keynote address was given by Fr.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Gio, 10/27/2016 - 12:05
Aluva, 18 October 2016: As the part of the new mission initiative of the St.Thomas Quasi Province, Fr.Romal Kaniyamparambil RCJ and Fr.Robin Arackaparambil RCJ moved to Punjab, the northern part of India. They are invited to extend their service in the Syro-Malabar Diocese of Faridhabad. Following the tradition, the missionary crosses had been blessed and given to the two missionaries. The rite was preceded by Fr.Unny Pottokkaran RCJ at the chapel of the quasi province house.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Dom, 09/25/2016 - 15:40
The second meeting of Adopted children of Sri lanka was held on 24 September at Ratnapura Diocesan Pastoral center, Avissawella. All the children, except one along with their families were present. The diocesan youth director Rev. Fr. Nicholas graced the occasion with his introductory prayers and reflection. Frs. Lixon Puthanagady, adoption in charge welcomed all while Fr. Varghese Panickassery responsible of mission, gave guidelines and instructions on the adoption program. Parents along with their children prayed for all the sponsors and expressed their gratitude to the same.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Mer, 09/21/2016 - 09:11
Aluva. Sept. 20,2016: Fr. Jose Maria RCJ, the Vicar General of the Congregation, is on his visit to St. Thomas Quasi Province India. He has arrived at 7:30 am on Sept. 20. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil RCJ, the major superior, welcomed him to the circumscription, accompanied by other fathers and brothers. He will be visiting all the formative communities to understand the formation program of each community before he begins his work as the general councilor for the sector of formation.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Lun, 09/05/2016 - 09:00
Dearest confreres - The canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta is indeed a cause for joy for the entire world in this year of Mercy. St. Thomas Quasi Province India also share our heart felt joy with you all. St. Teresa of Calcutta may enlighten all of us in our search for the Avingiones of today's world. Let St. Teresa of Calcutta intercede for all of us. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Ven, 08/26/2016 - 12:23
The 70th Independence Day is celebrated on Monday, August 15, 2016 in order to commemorate the day the country attained freedom from the British rule in 1947. Fr. Saji Kappikuzhi, RCJ, hosted the National Flag in Rogate Sneha Bhavan and delivered the Independence massage at 7 am. After the Flag hosting, we had the National Anthem and Pledge. Ramesh, one of our intern boys, led the pledge. The house was well decorated by the postulants together with the children. There will be also cultural programs in order to pay homage to freedom fighters and the legends of this country.
Inviato da Siciliano Fortunato il Ven, 08/26/2016 - 12:12
Fr. Luigi memorial
Dearest Confreres, The STQP, India, in collaboration with the religious' centre of studies, Aluva, organizes the 2nd Fr. Luigi memorial ever rolling basketball tournament from August 17 - 23. Hearty welcome!