August 9, 2023 - The St. Hannibal Formation Center - Cebu (SHFC), through the instrumentality of Mr. Ernyl Ornejas. partnered with the Community...
P. Salvatore Greco RCJ: 60 anni di sacerdozio
P. Salvatore Greco RCJ ha presieduto la celebrazione eucaristica nella Cappella della Curia Generalizia dei Rogazionisti a Roma in occasione del suo...
Invitation to Diaconal Ordination
The St. Matthew Province of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus invites you to the Ordination to the Diaconate of five of our religious to be...
Admission of New Aspirants & Renewal of Commitment of Seminarians
On August 6, 2023, the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, St. Hannibal Formation Center-Cebu (Rogationist Seminary Cebu) warmly welcomed seven...
Ordinazioni presbiterali in Ruanda
Due diaconi rogazionisti ruandesi, Eric Munyanganizi e Pierre Célestin Ndayambaje, sono stati ordinati sacerdoti da Mons. Vincent Harolimana, vescovo...
Indonesian Postulants Arrive in Manila
The Indonesian Rogationist postulants arrived in Manila on the morning of August 3 to join their fellow postulants of St. Matthew Province coming...
Youth Camp a Labo, Camarines Norte
La Pastorale Giovanile Rogazionista della Quasi Parrocchia Holy Family di Labo, Camarines Norte (Filippine) ha tenuto un Youth Camp parrocchiale di...
Rogationist Seminary in Cebu Inaugurates SY 2023-2024
On July 31, 2023, the Rogationist Seminary College - Cebu inaugurated the new school year 2023-2024, with a solemn Mass of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Dante...
Rogationist Seminarians at the Philippine Senate
(July 31, 2023) With deep patriotism, the Rogationist Seminarians showed their musical skills at the Senate of the Philippines. They sang the...
La Rogationist Academy Davao inaugura il nuovo anno accademico
(26 luglio 2023) Il Rogationist Academy di Davao (Filippine) ha inaugurato ufficialmente il nuovo anno scolastico con una Santa Messa dello Spirito...