Visita alla Prov. San Matteo: Davao - St. Anthony's Boys Village e parrocchia di San Giovanni Paolo II

(30-31 agosto) P. Bruno Rampazzo, accompagnato da P. John Lucas, Vicario Provinciale della Provincia San Matteo, è arrivato a Davao nel pomeriggio del 30 agosto. Ha fatto una visita fraterna alla comunità del St. Anthony's Boys Village - Davao.

Il giorno seguente, il Padre Generale ha visitato la vicina parrocchia di San Giovanni Paolo II a Sta. Cruz. La comunità parrocchiale ha accolto calorosamente gli ospiti con un breve programma e canti preparati dal coro SJP2. Padre Rampazzo ha tenuto un discorso e ha dialogato con i laici. La parrocchia di San Giovanni Paolo II della diocesi di Digos è stata affidata ai Rogazionisti dal 2017. La sera ha avuto un momento di fraternità con la comunità e i ragazzi del Villaggio dei Ragazzi.

Visit to the St. Matthew Prov.: St. Anthony's Boys Village and St. John Paul II Parish in Davao

(August 30-31) Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, accompanied by Fr. John Lucas, Vicar Provincial of St. Matthew Province, arrived in Davao on the afternoon of August 30. He made a fraternal visit to the community of St. Anthony's Boys Village - Davao.

The following day, Father General visited the nearby parish of St. John Paul II in Sta. Cruz. The parish community warmly welcomed the guests with a short program and songs prepared by the SJP2 choir. Fr. Rampazzo delivered a speech and had a dialogue with the laity. St. John Paul II Parish of the Diocese of Digos has been entrusted to the Rogationists since 2017. In the evening, he had a moment of fraternity with the community and the intern boys of the Boys Village.

St. John Paul II Parish Chorale rendering songs to Father General.
Father General in dialogue with the parish community.
Father General in dialogue with the parish community.
Father General in dialogue with the parish community.
Various groups of St. John Paul II Parish in Sta. Cruz, Digos.
Father General in dialogue with the parish community.
Various groups of St. John Paul II Parish in Sta. Cruz, Digos.
Various groups of St. John Paul II Parish in Sta. Cruz, Digos.
Various groups of St. John Paul II Parish in Sta. Cruz, Digos.
Welcome poster at the St. Anthony's Boys Village community.
At the St. Anthony's Boys Village community.
At the St. Anthony's Boys Village community.
At the St. Anthony's Boys Village community.
At the St. Anthony's Boys Village community.
At the St. Anthony's Boys Village community.
At the St. Anthony's Boys Village community.
Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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