Dans la matinée du 26 août 2022, le Père Willy Cruz, Supérieur Majeur de la QPSJ en compagnie du Père Bernard Dourwe, Secrétaire de la QPSJ est allé rendre une visite de courtoisie au nouveau Nonce apostolique au Rwanda. 

Les hôtes du légat du Pape François  ont trouvé bon accueil auprès de Mgr Arnaldo Catalan, arrivé au Rwanda le 14 mai dernier et de Mgr Tomasz, Secrétaire de la Nonciature.

15ème Réunion du Conseil de la QPSJ

En ce 25 août 2022, s’est tenu en vidéo-conférence le 15ème Conseil de la QPSJ. Tous les Conseillers ont répondu présent à la rencontre présidée par le Père Willy Cruz, Supérieur Majeur. 

La réunion qui s'est déroulée entre 10h15-12h25 GMT+2, s'est voulue une suite de réponse aux préoccupations posées par le dernier Conseil notamment avec quelques changements liés à l’élection du Père Eugène comme Conseiller Général, au décès brusque du Père Louis et les préparations immédiates des Assemblées régionales. 

Rogacionistas na TV Aparecida

A fita de vídeo de "A Vocação Rogacionista" foi transmitida na TV Aparecida na sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2022, durante o programa "Bênção da Manhã", que teve início às 7h35. Foi um projeto profissional em colaboração com a TV Aparecida. A TV foi registrada no Centro Rogate do Brasil com a participação da comunidade religiosa e do Superior Provincial, Pe. Geraldo Tadeu Furtado. Assista conosco e compartilhe!



Envia, Senhor, trabalhadores para a tua colheita!

St. John Berchmans: Patron of Innocence, Patron of the Novitiate

August 13, 2022, Rogationist Novitiate House, Silang Cavite - The Novitiate of the Rogationist of the Heart of Jesus, St Matthew Province celebrated the feast of St. John Berchmans, its patron saint with a recollection and Holy Eucharist during the first part of the day.

Passation de service à la Paroisse Saint Kizito d'Ebebda

En cette journée du 12 Août 2022, en présence du vicaire épiscopal de la zone pastorale de Monatele, des fidèles chrétiens de la paroisse Saint Kizito d'ebebda et des confrères venus de Ngoya, a eu lieu la cérémonie de passation de service et d'installation du nouveau curé en la personne du père Jean-Marcel NOUMBISSIE MOUMENI. Cérémonie marquée par trois grands moments à savoir :

- Le huis clos entre le vicaire épiscopal et tous les prêtres présents.

Diaconal Ordination

The St. Matthew Province of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus invites you to the Ordination of our two religious students to the Sacred Order of Deacons, at the Holy Spirit Chapel of the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies, on August 27, 2022, 10:00am. The liturgy will be presided over by His Excellency, Most Rev. Jesse Mercado, DD, Bishop of Parañaque.

Ordinazione Sacerdotale di P. Domenico Giannone

Il prossimo 10 settembre 2022, nella Basilica Santuario di S. Antonio a Messina, P. Domenico Giannone rcj sarà ordinato sacerdote per le mani di S. E. Mons. Cesare Di Pietro. Il giorno dopo celebrerà la sua Prima Santa Messa nella Chiesa Parrocchiale "S. Maria Assunta" in Faro Superiore (ME). Porgiamo a P. Domenico tanti auguri di santità e lo accompagniamo nelle nostre preghiere.

Thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Paul Duc Chinh

Fr. Paul presiding over the Mass.
Fr. Paul presiding over the Mass.
Some of the Concelebrants.
The parishioners.
During the Mass.
The Rogationist confreres from Vietnam and the Philippines who concelebrated.
Fr. Paul Chinh a d Dcn. Francis Xavier Phuc Thien, who belong to the Parish, were ordained together in Dalat last August 19.
The Parish Priest presenting Fr. Paul and his parents.
The Parish Choir offering a song.
The Rogationist seminary community rendering a song.
The new Rogationist Priests rendering a song.
At the lunch reception.

August 21. The newly ordained Rogationist priest,  Fr. Paul Duc Chinh celebrated his first Thanksgiving Mass at his home parish of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Bao Loc, Vietnam. He was assisted by a Rogationist deacon from the same parish. They were both ordained last August 19 in Dalat. A good number of Rogationists from Vietnam and the Philippines were present. Apart from the parishioners, there was also a a big number of religious, friends, and benefactors.

Veglia dell'Assunta a Roma Piazza Asti

La notte dello scorso 14 agosto, veglia dell'Assunta, nella Parrocchia dei Santi Antonio e Annibale Maria a Roma Piazza Asti, si è celebrata la santa messa di vigilia presieduta da Mons. Paolo Ricciardi, Vescovo Ausiliare di Roma per la Pastorale Sanitaria e concelebrata dal Superiore Generale P. Rampazzo e il Parroco P. Pasquale Albisinni. La santa messa, che si è tenuta sul sagrato della chiesa parrocchiale, si è aperta con il rito del lucernario ed è preseguita con il canto del preconio mariano.

Thanksgiving Mass of three new Rogationist priests from the same parish

20 August. Fr. Joseph Nguyen Hung Cuong, RCJ, Fr. Joseph Phung Minh Dang, RCJ and Fr. Dominic Phung Ngoc Si, RCJ, three of the newly ordained Rogationist Vietnamese Priests celebrated their Thanksgiving Mass at the Lạc Lâm Parish, in Đơn Dương District, Lâm Đồng Province, Vietnam. The three belong to the same Parish. The Mass was concelebrated by around 40 Priests and approximately 1,500 faithful participated.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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