(August 2) The educational community of the Rogationist Academy in Toril, Davao, Philippines opens the new School Year 2022-2023 with the resumption of face-to-face classes after two years of online classes due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The Mass of the Holy Spirit, attended by the student body and teachers at the school’s covered court, was presided over by Fr. Francis Paul Escano, Rector of the Rogationist Academy – Davao. Immediately after, the students went to their respective classrooms for their lessons.
Six Vietnamese Rogationist Deacons: Paul Tran Duc Chinh, Dominic Phung Ngoc Si, Peter Truong Viet Thien, Joseph Phung Minh Dang, Joseph Nguyen Hung Cuong, and Joachim Nguyen Tien Thanh will be ordained priests through the imposition of the hands by Mons. Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Dalat, on August 19, 2022, at the Chapel of the Dalat Pastoral Center. Cardinal Peter Nguyen Van Nhon, Archbishop Emeritus of Hanoi, and Mons. Anthony Vu Huy Chuong, Bishop Emeritus of Dalat, have expressed their intention to be present in the Ordination.
The Rogationist Seminary College of Philosophy-Manila officially started the academic year 2022-2023 on July 18, with the Mass of the Holy Spirit at Saint Hannibal Chapel presided by the Dean of Studies, Rev. Fr. Francisco Gringo Tagabi, RCJ. The professors made the profession of faith during the liturgy. After the Mass, the students had an orientation on the institution’s overall program.
(Aug. 1) Twenty-two altar servers from St. Joseph Parish -Alegria, Cebu arrived this afternoon in our community for an overnight experience of seminary life. They were accompanied by their parish priest Fr. Reynaldo Cui, who is a former Rogationist seminarian. The activity introduced them to priestly and religious life. They joined the activities of the community and listened to the vocation talk of Rev. Jeffrey Salvador, RCJ, the vocation promoter of the community.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le dim, 07/31/2022 - 10:00
Suivant son vade-mecum annuel des activités, la CNPVRC vient de clôturer (ce 30 Juillet), le camp vocationnel rogationniste, qui a débuté le 26 Juillet dernier, au sein de la Maison de formation saint Hannibal Marie Di Francia d'Edéa.
Cet événement avait deux buts principaux à savoir : la clôture des activités et la proposition des futurs propédeutes.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le mer, 07/27/2022 - 17:41
Deux jours après la fin des travaux du Chapitre Général de la Congrégation tenu à Morlupo du 05 au 25 juillet 2022, les membres du Conseil de la QPSJ se sont réunis en vidéo-conférence. Tous les membres ont répondu présent sous la présidence du Père Willy Cruz, Supérieur Majeur.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le lun, 07/25/2022 - 22:32
25 luglio – Giorno conclusivo del Capitolo. Dopo la Celebrazione delle Lodi e la colazione, all’orario solito ci si è ritrovati in aula. Il Padre Generale dopo il saluto ha informato i Capitolari che è stato preparato un messaggio di saluto indirizzato alla Congregazione, alle Figlie del Divino Zelo e alla Famiglia del Rogate. Lo legge e riceve l’approvazione dall’assemblea.