Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

2nd SMP Chapter - Day 3: A Day Dedicated to Reflection, Sharing and Prayer

Group picture with the outgoing SMP Provincial Council, after the Mass at St. Matthew Chapel, Oasis of Prayer, Silang.
SMP outgoing Provincial, Fr. Herman Abcede presides over the Eucharist.
Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta gives reflection points during the recollection day of the Chapter participants.
The Provincial Superior responding to the comments on the report of the Provincial Council.
The delegation from Indonesia with Fr. Rampazzo, Fr. Abcede and Fr. Ezpeleta.
Light moments before the celebration of the Mass.
Light moments while going to the group sharing.

(Silang/October 17, 2018) – The third day of the Provincial Chapter of St. Matthew Province was dedicated to a moment of reflection, sharing of experiences, and a community prayer in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Herman Abcede, opened the day with the Holy Eucharist. In his homily, he emphasized the importance of being led and renewed by the Holy Spirit. He explained that this is something needed by all, especially by those who will be elected to lead the Province in the coming years.

2nd SMP Chapter - Day 2: Reports and Interventions

Group picture of the capitulars with Bishop Evangelista of Imus. Ninety-six of 101 capitulars were present on the second day of the Chapter.
Common Lauds open the days of the St. Matthew Provincial Chapter.
The Chapel of the Oasis of Prayer Spirituality Center is dedicated to St. Matthew, the Patron Saint of the Province.
The Holy Eucharist on the second day was presided over by Bishop Reynaldo Evangelista of the Diocese of Imus where the Oasis of Prayer is located.
Report of the outgoing Provincial Superior, Fr. Herman Abcede.
Bro. Nilo Pelobello, SMP Treasurer, reports about the economic status of the Province.
Fr. Ariel Tecson reports on the sector on Religious Life, Formation and Vocation Ministry.
Fr. John Lucas reports on the sector on Rogate, Laity, Parishes and Youth Ministry.
Fr. Orville Cajigal reports on the sector on the Service of Charity and MIssions.

(Silang/ October 16, 2018) – The second day of the Provincial Chapter began with the praying of the Lauds presided by Fr. Carlos Guzman, followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass presided by the Most Rev. Rey Evangelista, DD, Bishop of Imus. In his homily, he highlighted the value of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in as much as we celebrate today the Memorial of St. Margaret Alacoque. He reminded the Rogationists of the essential link of this devotion to their identity and mission.

2nd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter Opens (Day 1)

Members of the Provincial Chapter Presidential Board: President - Fr. Bruno Rampazzo; 1st Moderator: Fr. Danny Montana; 2nd Moderator: Fr. Ulrich Gacayan; Secretary: Bro. Christian De Sagun; Scrutineers: Deacons Al John Provido and Jorge Casaberde.
Bishop Pablo Virgilio David of the Diocese of Caloocan guided the recollection reflections on the first day. With him were Fr. Rampazzo, Superior General; and Fr. Abcede, SMP Provincial Superior.
First Assembly session at Di Francia Auditorium of the Rogationist College in Cavite.
Fr. Montana giving indications on the order of the day.
Opening Liturgy at the Chapel of St. Anthony's Boys Village in Silang, Cavite.
The Superior General Fr. Rampazzo presiding over the opening Mass of the Provincial Chapter at St. Matthew Chapel in the Oasis of Prayer in Silang, Cavite.

(October 15, 2018) – The Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus – St. Matthew Province started its 2nd Provincial Chapter with the theme “Our Charismatic Identity in the Challenges of the St. Matthew Province.” The event which will end on October 20, 2018 was held in St. Anthony’s Boys Village – Silang, Cavite. It was initiated by a short recollection done in the Di Francia Auditorium of the Rogationist College – Silang graced by the Most Rev. Pablo Virgilio S. David, D.D, Bishop of Caloocan.

Request for Prayers for the Success of the 2nd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter

Dearest, Greetings of Peace!

The Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus of the St. Matthew Province – comprising the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Indonesia, South Korea and Vietnam, is set to hold its 2nd St. Matthew Province, on October 15-20, 2018 at the Oasis of Prayer in Lalaan II, Silang, Cavite.

This occasion shall be highlighted by the election of our new Provincial Superior and his Council, and shall be concluded by the Priestly Ordination of seven (7) Deacons.

Encounter of the Religious in Practical Training 2018

Basking in the natural, peaceful beauty of Quezon Province, the Religious in Practical Training (RPT) held their annual encounter with the Provincial Superior, Fr. Herman Abcede, who had the chance to hold a simple conference and to preside over the celebration of the Holy Eucharist for them, in this infrequent relaxing moment of brotherhood - a short break from their intensive experience of varied Rogationist apostolic ministries. Thanks to the efforts of Fr.

Mission Month: Postulants Off to Apostolic Exposure

Accompanied with prayers, full of hope that the experience will lead them to an encounter with the Lord of the Harvest and lead them to a deeper communion, better knowledge of the life and apostolate of the Congregation and more mature discernment about their vocation, the 15 Postulants of the St. Matthew Province were officially sent to have their Apostolic Exposure. The simple rite led by Fr. Jessie Martirizar, the Postulant Director, was incorporated in the Eucharistic liturgy presider over by Fr.

South Korean Medical Mission in the Philippines

The Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus Missionary Station of Seoul, South Korea organized once again this year a Medical Mission in various parishes in Central Luzon in the Philippines. It was co-organized by various groups: Joseph Clinic (Malabon City), Lukes Association of OSAN Vicariate of Diocese of Suwon, South Korea and sponsored by JejuAir Inc., Yeongduengpo Joseph Clinic and Galgotdong Parish Church.

7 Rogationists to be Ordained Priests

The Ordination to the Priesthood will be held on Oct. 20, 2018, at the Rogationist Parish in Paranaque.
The schedule of Thanksgiving Masses in the respective hometown parishes of the new priests.
The seven Rogationist Deacons just completed their Spiritual Retreat, guided by Fr. Ulrich Gacayan , at the Hermitage of the John Mary Vianney Galilee Development and Retreat Center for Priests in Tagaytay City.

Here is the invitation card to the Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood of seven Rogationists scheduled on October 20, 2018, at the conclusion of the Provincial Chapter of St. Matthew Province and a day before the World Mission Sunday. The seven priests include the first four Rogationist priests from Vietnam, the second Indonesian Rogationist priest, and two Filipino Rogationists. Let us accompany them with our prayers as they prepare for this important moment of grace in their lives. 

Feast of St. Matthew, Patron of SMP

“God is so gracious to invite all in an intimate relationship with him, even sinners - as evidenced in the life of St. Matthew,” Fr. Orville stressed in his homily, during the Eucharistic liturgy celebrated in honor of the patron of the Province presided over by Fr. Herman Abcede on September 21, 2018. The Feast graced by the presence of confreres, friends, benefactors and some religious of other congregations was hosted by the Oasis of Prayer in Lalaan II, Silang, Cavite.

Ordination to the Diaconate

Most Rev. Jesse Mercado, DD, Bishop of Parañaque, through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit, ordained six new Deacons of the St. Matthew Province at the Holy Spirit Chapel of the Fr Di Francia Center of Studies in Parañaque City on August 25, 2018. With the confreres, their families, friends and benefactors that filled the chapel in celebration, let us join Rev. Jose Roque Arreza, Rev. Jorge Casaberde, Rev. Andru Iroy, Rev. Tom June Lancin, Rev. Al John Provido and Rev.


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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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