Delegazione U.S.A.

Tonalá - Messico. Settimana di formazione Rogazionista

Tema de la Semana de Formación: Ver a la gente a través de los ojos misericordiosos de Jesús: la inculturación del carisma de San Aníbal en el Mundo.

Delegazione Nostra Signora di Guadalupe

Dal 30 luglio al 5 agosto si terrà in Guadalajara una settimana di formazione rogazionista alla quale partecipano settimana i nostri seminaristi, vecchi e nuovi entranti, in tutto 12, e anche alcuni laici, che si associano il mercoledi e il sabato.


Semana de Formación Rogacionista

Del 30 de julio al  5 de agosto, 2017



Ver a la gente a través de los ojos misericordiosos de Jesús¨

La inculturación del carisma de San Aníbal en el mundo



Celebration of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations in St. Mary’s Church, Sanger

On the 54th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, St. Mary’s Church celebrated it through the renewal and commitment of 8 members of the Parish Vocation Ministry-LARVA (Lay Rogationists Vocation Animators) during the 11 a.m. Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. John Bruno, the pastor, and concelebrated by Fr. Edwin, the priest in-charge of the LARVA in Sanger. Vocation Exhibits and posters regarding the World Day of Prayer for vocations were also displayed in front of the Church together with stampitas and materials for vocations.

Fresno Clergy’s Lenten Recollection and Chrism Mass

On April 6, 2017, the Fresno Clergy had the Lenten Recollection from 9,00 to 12nn in St. Paul Newman Center. It was facilitated by Most Rev. Gerald Wilkerson, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The bishop’s message can be summarized in this way, the clergy is called to be the “skin of God, the face of Jesus, and the beating heart of Jesus” in the world today. Bishop Wilkerson was the Regional Bishop of San Fernando Valley where we have two parishes in Vannuys and North Hollywood.


Mass Of Confirmation During The Feast Of St. Joseph

Today, March 20, 2017, the universal church is celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph. It is doubly important in Sanger because it is also the day of Confirmation of 90 catechesis students of St. Mary’s Church in Sanger.

V Encuentro Lenten MissionAncora

On March 9, 2017, Fr. Edwin Manio and Fr. John Bruno animated the opening day of the V Encuentro in St. Mary’s Church for all the parishioners who came to participate the 5 sessions of reflections as Missionary Disciples: Witnesses of God’s Love. The first day was atended by almost 200 parishioners that were divided into 2 groups of Spanish and English sessions.



Los Padres Rogacionistas, los seminaristas y la comisión de los laicos rogacionistas llevaron a cabo el 11 de marzo un Encuentro Formativo de 3:30pm a 9:00pm, en el Seminario. En seguida, presentamos el programa del evento.


3:30PM                                Ambientación                                  Encargado: Seminarista Cuauhtémoc                   

4:00PM                Oración preparado                         Encargados: Gabriel y Medardo

4:20pm                Tema: “El Mensaje del Papa Francisco para la Cuaresma


Los Padres Rogacionistas, los seminaristas y miembros de la familia rogacionista, organizaron una convivencia juvenil en nuestras instalaciones del seminario el 18 de febrero del presente año. De ante mano, se hizo la invitación de casa en casa en toda la vecindad, se distribuyeron volantes y se preparó. Asistieron al evento alrededor de 130 jóvenes y adolescentes.

El programa consistió de la siguiente manera:

                4:00pm recepción

                4:30pm música y cantos de alabanza

5:00pm El ponente impartió un tema cristiano para los jóvenes


El día 11 de febrero los Padres Rogacionistas en Tonalá, México, tuvimos una jornada para la familia a la cual asistieron aproximadamente cien personas. El programa consistió en la impartición de dos temas para la familia. Uno el de desafíos, logros y fracasos en la familia lo impartió la Hermana de Cristo Resucitado y el otro el de la familia como formadora de la humanidad lo impartió la Licenciada María del Carmen. Entre los temas hubo música y alabanzas. Terminamos con una Hora Santa que guió el Padre Javier Flores.

Fund Raising Dinner For Father Hannibal’s House In Sanger

A dinner for Father Hannibal’s House was held today at St. Mary’s Church Hall today February 21, 2017 at 7 p.m. in Sanger.

Father Hannibal’s House , is Rogationists apostolate among the poorest of the poor. It is a non -profit Catholic organization providing emergency help to people in need, regardless of race, religion or national origin. This apostolate of Rogationist Fathers is coursed through the Thrift Store and Social Services that caters the indigent members of the society. This year 2016, a total of 2, 815 families benefited from this apostolate.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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