Quasi Provincia Indiana


Fr. Saji Kappikuzhy RCJ, St. Thomas Quasi Province Novice Master, navigating through the streets on a boat.
Water level at the students' residence at the Rogate Ashram in Aluva, Kerala.
Flooded residential areas.
Flooded commercial areas.
The Rogationist Academy turned-into-evacuation center.
A social worker assists evacuees.
Common sight of flooded houses.

The Superior General, Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, has sent a letter of appeal to Rogationist communities for aid in favor of the flood victims in Kerala, India. Over 300 people have perished and 1.3 million people were displaced due to the continuous monsoon downpour for days which has been considered the worst flooding in the State’s history. Houses of many of our confreres, seminarians, students and lay collaborators have been under water, and the residents were forced to seek shelter at relief centers. People were lacking in essentials such as food and drinking water.

June 1, 2018: Entrance to the Postulancy

Today, on the solemnity of our Holy Founder, nine seminarians who successfully completed their three years of minor seminary formation were admitted to the next important stage of formation-Postulancy.  In the evening liturgical celebration, Fr. Joby Kavungal officially accepted them to this significant stage. Fr.Deleep Parcakal Superior of the community, Fr. Fijo Malit, their Prefect and Fr.Tony Blayil, treasurer joined the celebration and encouraged them to imbibe the virtues of Fr. Founder in their life.

Aluva – The feast of St. Hannibal anticipated

May 27, 2018 - The anticipated feast of St. Hannibal is celebrated with great joy and devotion at Rogate Ashram Chapel, Aluva. Bishop Emeritus Mathew Vaniyakizhakkel, presided over the concelebrated holy Eucharist and gave a reflection on the life of St. Hannibal. The chief attraction of the celebration was the presence of our adopted children who recently received the first communion. All of them came in angelic white dress accompanied by their parents.

May 24, 2018 – Triduum for the feast of St. Hannibal

Three communities of Rogate Ashram campus (QP Community, Rogate Ashram community and Rogationist Academy Community) jointly celebrate the Feast of St Hannibal.  On the first day of celebration, Fr. Joby Kavungal, the major Superior solemnly opened celebration with the traditional flag hosting activity. The celebration then continued with the Holy Mass and Novena presided over by Fr. Lijo Kalarickal. Good number of neighbors and lay faithful joined the celebration.

Renewal of Annual Vows of 32 Religious Students

Today (May 15th 2018) 32 Religious Students of St.Thomas Quasi Provine, India, renewed their annual vows at Rogate Ashram Chapel within the prayerful atmosphere of solemn evening prayer.  Fr. Joby Kavungal, the Major Superior received their vows and Fr. Saji Kappikuzhy gave a inspiring reflection on religious vows and its commitments. Most of the priests of St.Thomas Quasi Province joined the celebration and congratulated the religious for their generosity and commitment.

Professioni religiose nella Quasi Provincia San Tommaso (India)

Il 16 maggio 2018 nella Quasi Provincia San Tommaso, ad Aluva, i seguenti sei giovani religiosi emetteranno la professione perpetua: Bro. Alex Chakiath, Bro. Anish Issen Nellithanathuparambil, Bro. Jibin Karakunnel, Bro. Nikhil Attukaran, Bro. Rinish Arackaparambil e  Bro. Steny Kundaparambath. Inoltre, nella Circoscrizione altri rinnoveranno i Voti Religiosi, undici Novizi emetteranno la Prima Professione e due Probandi il 24 maggio faranno il loro ingresso in Noviziato. A tutti gli auguri più cari. Alleghiamo gli auguri del Padre Generale.

Celebration of the 55th world day of prayer for vocations

Today on the fourth Sunday of Easter, (April 22,2018) St. Thomas Quasi Province solemnly celebrated the Rogationist Day of ‘Par Excellence’ with great preparation, devotions and zeal. Rogate Empowerment Centre along with the Quasi Province Community, Rogationist Academy and Rogate Ashram Community organised this important event. The community of Rogationist Spirituality Aimury,  more than a hundred of religious from the nearby communities and few friends also joined the celebration and prayed fervently for more vocations.  Fr.

Perpetual profession of Bro. Rinu Vadakkepurathan

April 16, 2018 - Today was indeed another day of God’s blessing to St. Thomas Quasi Province as well as to the entire congregation. In a concelebrated Holy Mass Rev. Joby Kavungal, Major Superior presided over Holy Eucharist and the rite of Perpetual Profession of Bro. Rinu Vadakkepurathan. Fr.Albert Kollamkudy shared a short and sweet  homily. About 12 priests, few sisters, and 20 family members and few friends joined the simple celebration at 6.30 am in Rogate Ashram Chapel. Bro.


Third day

The second day of the General Assembly of STQP

The second day of the General Assembly began with Morning Prayer and Holy Mass followed. Fr Babu Muringayil presided over the concelebrated Holy Eucharist and gave a short reflection on the need to nurture our Faith. The session proper of the day began with the inspirational Reflection given by Fr. Jaison Vadakkan Capuchin.  He emphasized the importance of ‘growing faith and vibrant fraternal Joy’ in our religious communities as well as the prominence of ‘being over doing in religious houses. After a short break, the session continued with the reading of the Quasi Province Directory.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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