Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Sáb, 04/10/2021 - 20:37
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah2, 5
Harvest Master continues to shower his bountiful blessing to St. Thomas Quasi Province. Today, on April 10 2021, His grace Bishop Sebastian Adayanthrath, Prelate of Mandya diocese, ordained Rev. Lijo Arackalan to the Sacred Order of Priesthood.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Vie, 04/09/2021 - 11:58
Dearest, with joy and gratitude to the Lord the Rogationist St. Thomas Quasi Province cordially invites you to the Priestly Ordination of our beloved Deacons
Dn. Lijo Arckalan RCJ 10/04/2021 3.00PM St. Antony’s Church Elavoor
Dn. Steny Kundaparapath RCJ 12/04/2021 9.15AM Marth Mariam Archdeacon Pilgrim
Church Kuravilangad
Dn. Jobin Karakunnel RCJ 21/05/2021 9.30AM St. Alphonsa Church Padamala
Il 3 marzo 2021 P. Shajan Pazhayil ha discusso la tesi di dottorato presso l'Università San Tommaso di Roma (Angelicum) sul tema: "La chiamata alla santità. La chiamata cristologica ed ecclesiale del presbitero. Uno studio sulla visione di Annibale Maria Di Francia alla luce della Pastores dabo vobis e la Ratio fundamentalis formationis sacerdotalis". All'evento hanno partecipato numerosi confratelli della comunità della curia generalizia, amici religiosi e religiose e una rappresentanza dei Cenacoli Voc di Grottaferrata (Roma). Auguri Padre Shajan!
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Vie, 02/12/2021 - 09:29
12-2-2021 - ‘The Lord is My Shepherded, there is nothing I shall want’. St Thomas Quasi Province is again blessed with another new priest. Today, February 11, 2021, His grace Mar. John Nellikunnel, Bishop of Idukki Diocese ordained Rev. Albin Elamthuruthiyilto the Sacred Order of Priesthood in his own native parish St. George Forane Church, Vellayamkudy
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Mar, 01/05/2021 - 09:47
‘God is so gracious and his works are marvelous’. St Thomas Quasi Province is again blessed with another new priest. Today, January 4 2021, His grace Mar. Sebastian Vaniyapurackal, Syro-Malabar Curia Bishop ordained Rev. Nikil Attukaran to the Sacred Order of Priesthood.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Dom, 12/27/2020 - 11:06
St Thomas Quasi Province is again blessed with four new priests. Today, December 27 2020, His grace Mar. Jacob Manathodath bishop of Palaghat Diocese ordained Rev. Jain Kuzhupplinirappil, Pradosh Plakudiyil, Jomon Mathekkal and Jomon Thaikkoottathil to the Sacred Order of Priesthood.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Mié, 12/23/2020 - 12:35
Dear Confreres,
Wish you a lovely Nativity Celebration of Our Master!
May this event of God's rich love bring you bountiful blessings and may your life become all the more rich in Him. Have a lovely fraternal celebration and a blessed New Year. ROGATIONIST ACADEMY COMMUNITY
Enviado por Anonymous (no verificado) el Jue, 12/10/2020 - 10:57
During the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, Fr. Shajan Pazhayi has made a series of charcoal drawings of portraits of our beloved departed confreres starting with the one of the Servant of God Fr. Joseph Aveni on the occasion of his 10th death anniversary on July 24, 2020. Then, it was followed by the sketches of Bro. Giuseppe Balice, Fr. Cesare Bettoni, Fr. Antonio Barbangelo, Fr. Luigi Toffanin, Fr. Roy Moothedath, Fr. Filippo Puntrello, and Fr. Antonio Magazzù. The most recent one is the portrait of St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia.