Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Visita di cortesia al Nunzio Apostolico nelle Filippine

L'Arcivescovo Charles John Brown, Nunzio Apostolico nelle Filippine, ha gentilmente concesso un'udienza a P. Orville Cajigal presso la Nunziatura Apostolica a Manila il 26 gennaio 2021. Lo scopo principale della visita di cortesia è stato quello di accogliere nel nome della Provincia S. Matteo il nuovo Nunzio Apostolico, recentemente giunto nelle Filippine per assumere il ruolo di Ambasciatore della Santa Sede.

New Parish Priest of the Our Lady of the Pillar Parish in Zaragoza

The Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Alaminos, Most Rev. Fidelis Layog, DD, installed Fr. Tristan Angelo Palado, RCJ as the new Parish Priest of the Our Lady of the Pillar Parish in Zaragoza, Bolinao, Pangasinan on January 25, 2021. Among those who witnessed the event were Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, the Provincial Superior, and Fr. Alfonso Flores, RCJ, Provincial Councilor on the Sector of the Parishes, Laity and Youth Ministry. With other Rogationists and members of the diocesan clergy, the new pastor was welcomed by a good number of his parishioners. May Fr.

Istituzione all'Accolito e Ammisioni degli Aspiranti in Vietnam

(25-12-20. Dalat) La Stazione Missionaria Rogationista in Vietnam ha celebrato la solennità della Natività di Gesù con l'Istituzione di Fr.llo Francis Xavier Phuoc Thien al ministero di Accolitato e con l'ammissione di 5 nuovi aspiranti: Giovanni Battista Văn Đoàn, Giovanni Battista Đình Chương, Giuseppe Quang Sáng, Giuseppe Gia Huy e Giuseppe Văn Thịng, durante l’Eucaristia presieduta da P. Ryan Jimenez e concelebrata dai Padri P. Joseph Huong, P. Joseph Nguyen e P. Joseph Thinh.

Christmas Greeting from Rogationist Seminary Manila

Christmas Greetings from the community of the Fr. Hannibal Formation Center (Rogationist Seminary - Manila), Merville Park, Parañaque City.

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Annual Christmas Sharing for the Poor (Missionary Station of Vietnam)

On December 20, 2020, the fourth Sunday of Advent, the Rogationist Mission Station in Vietnam organized its annual Christmas Sharing for the poor. This year's charity was held at the Chu Ru tribe in Da Quyn under the parish of Da Loan in Duc Trong. The said event was started with celebration of the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Joseph Nguyen, rcj, and joined by two RCJ priests namely: Fr. Joseph Thinh and Fr. Ryan Jimenez.                 

Christmas Greetings from the St. Matthew Province 2020

Christmas Greetings from the St. Matthew Province 2020

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25th Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Frs. Flores, Ranera and Tecson, and Renewal of Vows of Bro. Motol

16 december - The community of the Fr. Hannibal Formation Center in Merville Park, Parañaque City, hosted in their chapel the Holy Mass, during the 25th Priestly Ordination Anniversary of Fr. Alfonso Flores, Fr. Mariano Antonio Ranera, Jr. and Fr. Ariel Tecson was commemorated on December 16, 2020. The said Eucharistic Liturgy, presided over by Fr. Orville Cajigal, the Provincial Superior, also incorporated the Renewal of Vows of Bro. Gabriel Motol, Jr.

Let us pray for more years to come as they journey to continue their ministries and in becoming heralds of the Rogate.

Christmas Novena – New edition in English

The Rogate Vocation Center of St. Matthew Province has released on December 14, 2020, a new English edition of the Novena of Preparation for Christmas according to the tradition and spirituality handed by St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia. It was designed and edited by Rev. John Francis Aberion rcj. It is a very useful instrument for the diffusion of the Rogationist spirituality to the Family of the Rogate, especially in the significant Advent and Christmas seasons. The other English-speaking Circumscriptions can use or adapt it.

Lo Studentato a Manila lancia i "Carols from Green Court"

La comunità dello Studentato a Green Court, Paranaque ha lanciato il suo Caroling Online soprannominato "Carols from Green Court: An Evening of Christmas Carol", una tradizione popolare di cantare canzoni natalizie nelle case. Ogni anno i Religiosi studenti fanno il Caroling. Ma in questo anno, lo fanno online, a causa della pandemia covid-19. 

Nuova cucina in Ribang, Maumere

12.12.2020 – Attraverso un finanziamento dell’Ufficio Missionario Centrale à stato possibile attrezzare il nuovo seminario di Ribang, Maumere (Indonesia) di una nuova cucina, adeguatamente ristrutturata e attrazzata. Nel seminario in questo anno accademico vi sono 33 studenti di filosofia e 2 postulanti. P. Ferdinandus Heldi Tanga rcj, animatore vocazionale del Seminario, ha benedetto il locale, durante il Christmas Party della comunità, con i seminaristi in procinto di partire, l’indomani, per le vacanze natalizie. 


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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