Quasi Provincia Indiana

Marian Consecration of Novices at Velankanny

(Dec 08) Following the tradition of the congregation, five novices of St Thomas Quasi Province (STQP) have done their consecration to Mary on the Feast of Mary Immaculate, at the Marian Shrine,  Basilica of Our Lady of Good Health, at Velankanny, India. The novices were accompanied by novice master Fr Babu and Fr Steny. They celebrated Mass in the chapel and then made their consecration. 

Workshop for Religious Students in Aluva

Un regalo dal Vietnam- la croce rogazionista.

(Dec. 5-6) The Religious students in Philosophy and Theology of the Rogate Ashram Student Residence participated in a workshop conducted by Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta held for two afternoons at the Luigi Memorial Hall in Aluva. The young religious were introduced to the Rogationist resources in English available online and practiced how to access them. Then, they had training on the use of online translation tools so as to have access to the Rogationist literature in Italian.

Visit to Aimury

With the Rogationist Community of Aimury.
Smart Angel stitching unit.
Smart Angel stitching unit.
Tasta Bakery unit.
The new hospital in construction.
The new hospital in construction.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Malayattoor.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Malayattoor.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Malayattoor.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Malayattoor.
Relic of St. Thomas the Apostle.

(Dec. 5) Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, Major Superior of St. Thomas Quasi Province, accompanied Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, Vicar General, and Fr. Brizio Greco, Bursar General, to Aimury, where the Smart Angels stitching unit and the Tasta Bakery unit are now in the final stages of relocation from Aluva to the new facilities being built on the Aimury property that has a good number of rubber trees. They have also met with the confreres assigned to that community. Next to our property is a new hospital under construction. 

STQP General Assembly 2022 Highlights, Day 3: Report of the Leadership, Discussion, Conclusion

                  Fr. Brizio Giovanni Greco, General Treasurer, opened the third day of the STQP General Assembly 2022 with the Holy Mass in Italian, on the feast of St. Francis Xavier, which is celebrated as a solemnity in India. In his homily, he highlighted the missionary dynamism of this zealous evangelizer in the Far East whom Fr. Hannibal called the Apostle of the Rogate. 

STQP General Assembly 2022 Highlights, Day 2: XIII GC Document and the Manual of Formation

              The second day of the STQP General Assembly started with the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, Vicar General, concelebrated by the confreres and animated by the Religious students of the Rogate Ashram Scholasticate. 

St. Hannibal Mary in watercolor

St. Hannibal Mary in watercolor paintings by Fr. Vimal, rcj.


St. Thomas Quasi Province re-launches website

(Dec. 1) The St. Thomas Quasi Province re-launches the upgraded version of its official website, rcjindia.org, during the opening session of the Circumscription’s General Assembly. Fr. Prabhin Prabhinabhavan, in charge of the Rogate Empowerment Center, which is the communication arm of the Quasi Province, presented the improvements done to make the website become an effective channel for the propagation of our charism, life, charity, mission, and apostolate. Fr. Ezpeleta, Vicar General, and Fr.

STQP General Assembly 2022 Highlights, Day 1: Opening Ceremonies

             The St. Thomas Quasi Province (STQP) had the formal opening of the General Assembly of perpetually professed Confreres of the Circumscription held at the Fr. Luigi Memorial Hall in the Rogationist complex in Aluva, Kerala, India. Forty-two Confreres are participating in person while 27 others from the communities in India and abroad are joining by means of the online platform. The Assembly runs from December 1-4, 2022. 

Fr. Shaju Palattykoonathan – Diploma in Church Management

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross has granted to Fr. Shaju Palattykoonathan  the Diploma in Church Management in recognition of the fulfilment of the prescribed requirements. Rome, Novembre 18, 2022.

Dalla Quasi Provincia San Tommaso

L’accoglienza del Vicario Generale, P. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, e dell’Economo Generale, P. Brizio G. Greco, nella sede della Quasi Provincia San Tommaso, ed un loro incontro con gli alunni del Collegio di Aluva. Essi partecipano all’Assemblea che ha inizio oggi e si concluderà il giorno 4.


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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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