Submitted by Jose Maria on Sex, 12/02/2022 - 18:27
The second day of the STQP General Assembly started with the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, Vicar General, concelebrated by the confreres and animated by the Religious students of the Rogate Ashram Scholasticate.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Qui, 12/01/2022 - 17:36
(Dec. 1) The St. Thomas Quasi Province re-launches the upgraded version of its official website,, during the opening session of the Circumscription’s General Assembly. Fr. Prabhin Prabhinabhavan, in charge of the Rogate Empowerment Center, which is the communication arm of the Quasi Province, presented the improvements done to make the website become an effective channel for the propagation of our charism, life, charity, mission, and apostolate. Fr. Ezpeleta, Vicar General, and Fr.
Submitted by Jose Maria on Qui, 12/01/2022 - 17:26
The St. Thomas Quasi Province (STQP) had the formal opening of the General Assembly of perpetually professed Confreres of the Circumscription held at the Fr. Luigi Memorial Hall in the Rogationist complex in Aluva, Kerala, India. Forty-two Confreres are participating in person while 27 others from the communities in India and abroad are joining by means of the online platform. The Assembly runs from December 1-4, 2022.
Submitted by Siciliano Fortunato on Qui, 12/01/2022 - 10:24
The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross has granted to Fr. Shaju Palattykoonathan the Diploma in Church Management in recognition of the fulfilment of the prescribed requirements. Rome, Novembre 18, 2022.
Submitted by Siciliano Fortunato on Qui, 12/01/2022 - 09:58
L’accoglienza del Vicario Generale, P. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, e dell’Economo Generale, P. Brizio G. Greco, nella sede della Quasi Provincia San Tommaso, ed un loro incontro con gli alunni del Collegio di Aluva. Essi partecipano all’Assemblea che ha inizio oggi e si concluderà il giorno 4.
Submitted by Siciliano Fortunato on Dom, 11/27/2022 - 11:29
Nalgonda (India) 26 Novembre 2022 - Come ogni anno, in occasione del S. Natale é stato realizzato nella nostra casa Rogate Sneha Bhavan, l'incontro con i bambini e giovani sostenuti dal nostro Rogate Charity Center, attraverso il Progetto delle adozioni a distanza. Nell'occasione gli alunni portano la loro foto e le loro letterine da inviare ai benefattori. E' stato un momento molto bello per tutti loro ed i loro familiari vissuto con i loro amici e con i sacerdoti e religiosi della Comunità educativa di Nalgonda.
Submitted by Siciliano Fortunato on Seg, 05/30/2022 - 19:01
30-05-2022- The conferring of the minor orders of Karoyusa (Acolytate) for Bros Shone Perukunnel, Abin Malpan, Alosious Palatty, Mathew Manalel, Ajeesh Mohan, Melbin Ayyunnickal, and Heupadiakanusa (Lectorate) for Bros Albin Kavukatt, Manu Panthamackan, Amal Malieckal and Diaconate for Bros Akhil vaipukattil, Stephin Moolan and Sebin Marackaserry was held today at Rogate Ashram Chapel at 10 am.