Priestly Ordination of Fr. Thomas Kannampuzha


Dear, With immense joy and profound gratitude to Good and acknowledging your share on my journey to the altar of the Lord, together with the Rogationnist Congregation and my family members, I cordially invite you to my Priestly Ordination to be conferred by His Beatitude Mar George Alencherry, Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly Archdiocese, and to my First  Holy Qurbana at St Rita’s Church, Champannoor, on Monday 02 January 2011 at 9.30 am and to the reception thereafter. With love & Prayers, Thomas Kannampouzha, RCJ.

Merry Christmas from Edea (Cameroun)

altTo mark the Eucharistic Year in our Congregation, the Rogationist Communities of the Rogationist - Ngoya and Edea, Cameroon celebrate the Christmas Day together in Maison Saint  Hannibal Marie Di Francia - EDEA. A two-day outing is organized in KRIBI Beach for all our Religious Brothers and Priests the following day. On December 29, the communities together with the  Daughters of Divine Zeal  will be
visiting the "Pygmées du Cameroun" in order to share with them the Spirit of Christmas and to make presence with them the Eucharist. On New Year's Eve both communities of the Rogationist in Cameroon will stay together in the Scolasticat Saint Hannibal - NGOYA. P. Philip Golez

Priestly Ordination of Fr. Cinnesh Palathinkal

altDear, With immense joy and profound gratitude in Good and acknowledging your share on my journey to the altar of the Lord, together with the Rogationnist Congregation and my family members, most cordially I invite you to thank and glory God on the occasion of my Priestly Ordination to be conferred by His Excellency Mar Joseph Kunnath, Bishop of Adilabad and to my First Holy Qurbana at St Sebastian’s Church, Cherupara, on 28 December 2011 at 9.15 am and to the reception thereafter. With love and prayers, Cinnesh Palathinkal, RCJ.  

Merry Christmas from Manila St. Hannibal Rogate Center

altAs we welcome the celebration of the Christ’s birth, may we continually find occasions to give birth to him in our hearts by being extensions of the reason for which he came among us; extensions of his love and care for people, for nature and for creation in its entirety. God bless! Merry Christmas! Fr. Rene Ramirez, RCJ and the St. Hannibal Rogate Center Community


altLa communauté des Pères Rogationnistes d’Edéa a la joie de vous
présenter ses vœux les meilleurs pour cet avènement glorieux de Jésus
verbe de Dieu et les lendemains meilleurs pour cette nouvelle année
déjà à l’horizon. Puisse le Maître de la moisson présent au milieu de nous, vous
accorder la grâce d’être des saints et bons ouvriers dans le quotidien
de vos taches.




Cagayan calamity: Message from the Superior of Philippine Q-Province

cagayan alluvioni


I have noticed that many of us and of our community have tried to assist in their own way (big or small) the victims of the recent calamity in Cagayan city and Iligan city. Some of us have inspired so many people through our ministry of preaching to make their Christmas more authentic by extending help to the victims of the devastating flood. Some on the other hand wanted to help but unaware on how to concretize it.

As practiced in our PHILIPPINE Q-Province we solicit each community to share or help and we gather together amount every community would like to give and then send the said amount/s to the diocese/s where such calamity happened. Thus I appeal to everybody to share. Make a needed sacrifice or help even in the solicitation for this gesture. Then the amount saved and gathered will be sent to the Philippine Q-Province and we will give them directly to the responsible agency/ies of the dioceses of Cagayan and Iligan. 

Our little sharing if put together might be a great help for our brothers and sisters who are in grief this Christmas season.

Please let everybody disseminate this appeal. If you happen to read this inform immediately your superior/resposnsible so that immediate action be done....

Let's make our Christmas more meaningful with this concrete gesture.

Major Superior

Anniversario dell’Ordinazione Sacerdotale del Superiore Generale P. Angelo A. Mezzari

altRicorre oggi, 22 dicembre, l’anniversario dell’Ordinazione Sacerdotale del nostro Superiore Generale, P. Angelo A. Mezzari. Egli ha ricevuto il Sacro Ordine del Presbiterato il 22 dicembre 1984 in Sanga do Engenho, S.C. (Brasile); nello stesso anno sono stati ordinati in Brasile P. Adair Pasini e P. Jochen José Livinos. L’augurio che il loro sacerdozio sia sempre illuminato dalla luce che ci viene dalla capanna di Betlemme.

Buon Natale dalla Comunità di Cracovia

altChe il Signore vi benedica e vi doni un anno di serenità, salute, santità e...tante vocazioni e soddisfazioni pastorali!!!! P. Giovanni Sanavio e comunità di Cracovia (Polonia)

Buon Natale dalla Comunità di Cracovia

altBuon Natale dalla Comunità di Cracovia

Che il Signore vi benedica e vi doni un anno di serenità, salute, santità e...tante vocazioni e soddisfazioni pastorali!!!! P. Giovanni Sanavio e comunità di Cracovia (Polonia)

Greetings from Nalgonda

altHappy New Year  &  Happy New Year – 2011

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time"
With Love and Prayer

Frs. Shaju koonathan,rcj;  Denny Avimoottil, rcj

Rogate Sneha Bhavan

Nalgonda, A.P., INDIA


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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