Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Perpetual Profession, Renewal of Vows, Admissions to the Novitiate and the Postulancy

St. Matthew Province

As we start the Triduum for the Solemnity of St. Hannibal on the 1st of June 2018, let us pray in a particular way for the holy perseverance and the joy of Rogationist religious life of the confreres who will profess their vows perpetually, renew their profession, enter to the Novitiate and the Postulancy in the Province of St. Matthew. We thank God for the gift of vocations to our Congregation and to the Church.

Ongoing formation for Spiritual Directors

Rogationist and Daughters of Divine Zeal Spiritual Directors gathered for an updating on Spiritual Direction at the Oasis of Prayer, Silang, Cavite on May 21-25, 2018, The ongoing formation was facilitated by Ms. Daisy Santos IMSA, of the Galilee Renewal Center (Tagaytay) and the Center for Ignatian Spirituality (Quezon City).  This initiative is in line with the celebration of the Year of the Clergy and Consecrated Persons. Nine Rogationists of the St. Matthew Province, and ten Daughters of Divine Zeal of our Lady of Divine Zeal Province participated in the program. 

Maumere (Indonesia) - Seminario

Latest pictures (May 15, 2018) of the finishing touches of the Rogationis Seminary building in Ribang-Maumere-Indonesia (Phase 1). Thank you for all your generosity and supports both materially and spiritually. May the Lord bless you always. From all the members of the Biara Rogationis Maumere - Indonesia. The inauguration is set on August 8, 2018 with the presence of Fr. Bruno Rampazzo (Superior General) and Fr. Herman Abcede (Provincial Superior).

St. Matthew Province: 2nd Provincial Chapter Convoked

         Fr. Herman Abcede, Provincial Superior of St. Matthew Province, convoked the 2nd Provincial Chapter on April 15, 2018, six months before the event scheduled on October 16-20, 2018 at the Oasis of Prayer Rogate Spirituality Center in Silang, Cavite. The theme of the Chapter, “Our Charismatic Identity in the Challenges of St. Matthew Province”, is greatly inspired by the reflections and indications of the XII General Chapter of the Congregation. 

Maumere. chiusura dell'anno scolastico nel FISH

Maumere, Indonesia Formation Institute of St. Hannibal (FISH) Closing Ceremony

The Formation Institute of St. Hannibal (FISH) concluded the 10-month program for the School Year of 2017/2018 with the graduation ceremony held on April 6 at the Nazareth Retreat House of the Diocese of Maumere. For the School Year that just ended, 71 aspirants and 42 postulants from 20 Religious Congregations received their certificates of completion.

Maumere (Indonesia) - Costruzione del Seminario nella sua fase finale

I confratelli di Maumere, Indonesia, inviano le ultime foto della costruzione del nuovo Seminario a Ribang, sempre a Maumere. La costruzione è nella sua fase finale. Si prevede che sarà completato nel luglio 2018, in tempo per l'apertura del nuovo anno scolastico in agosto. Il Superiore Generale, p. Bruno Rampazzo, è in programma la sua visita ufficiale in Indonesia ad agosto, anche per l'inaugurazione del nuovo edificio che ospiterà più di 50 seminaristi.

Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Mary Discernment Center

From the 3rd until the 5th of April, 2018, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, did his Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Mary Discernment Center in Mina, Iloilo, during which he spent time in dialogue with the community and each of its religious. Being a contemplative community, the RogaMina gave the visit a distinctive prayerful character. Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun, the Provincial Secretary and Archivist, documented the fraternal encounter, while taking time as well to inspect the documents in the Archives of the Religious House.

2018 1st Issue of Sailau - Sideia

Dearest Confreres, On March 19, 2018, the Feast of St. Joseph, the Model of Interior Life, the Sideia Mission Center, PNG, released the first issue of Sailau for this year. Please continue to pray for our mission as we prepare for the upcoming Parish Fiesta on May 27 and in preparation for the special issue of Sailau in view of this celebration. May everything we do be always for the greatest consolation of the Heart of Jesus. God bless us all...

Canonical Visit to the Quasi Parish of the Holy Family - Labo

On March 13-16, 2018, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, did his Canonical Visit to the Quasi Parish of the Holy Family in Talobatib, Labo, Camarines Norte. Including in his itinerary, a visit on foot to its farthest chapel, he made sure to spend time in dialogue with the religious community, together and individually. He also had an opportunity to meet the Parish and Barangay Pastoral and Finance Councils. Bro.

Rogationist Mission Station in Papua New Guinea - Sideia - Opens New School Year

  • On March 5, 2018, the new leaders of St. Anthony's Boarding for Boys had their induction at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish. The care of the boarding boys in the Mission Station is under supervision of the Rogationists, while the care of the boarding girls are under the supervision of the Salesian Sisters.
  • St. Mary’s Boarding for Girls welcomed 57 female students from Grade 3 to Grade 8 (12 Grade 8, 10 Grade 7, 11 Grade 6, 7 Grade 5, 7 Grade 4 and 10 Grade 3 students.


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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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