Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)


Living the Rogationist Identity - Ongoing Formation Encounter (1st-3rd Year in the Priesthood) - Lily’s Garden, Tagbilaran, Bohol - September 9-16, 2017 -  September 9, 2017 (Saturday)

Supplementary leaflet for the "Friends of Fr. Joseph Aveni", Vol 2, no. 9 - September 2017

Dearest, Here is the latest issue of the supplementary leaflet, "Friends of Fr. Joseph Aveni", Vol. 2, no. 9 for this month of September 2017. From this issue onwards we will be sharing to some of the Writings of Fr. Aveni. Happy reading. You may freely share this to your friends. Go bless us all and Fr. Aveni intercede for us! Please include also in your prayers, the following requested intentions through the intercession of Fr. Joseph Aveni: Jonabel Provido, Angie Tiamzon, Clarene Romea, Theo Punzal, Conrado Carandang, David Jeff Villanueva, Fr. Nip Frogosa, Nenita S.

New Lectors and Acolytes from the St. Matthew Province

Thanking the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the day the Church commemorates her birth, on September 8, 2017, the St. Matthew Province led by Fr. Herman Abcede, its Superior, instituted 6 religious students to the Ministry of Lector and 9 other to the Ministry of Acolyte, during a concelebrated Mass at the Holy Spirit Chapel at the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies. In the homily of the same liturgy which was delivered by Fr.

Mission Send Off to Italy and Spain

In a simple liturgical Rite of Mission Send Off, incorporated in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, Fr. Ronaldo Victoria, Fr. RG Cagbabanua and Bro. Francis Ferruci Cayao were conferred their missionary cross, with the exhortation from Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, in his homily, to live by the message of the biblical episode where Jesus told Peter to "Put out into deep water..." Fr. Victoria is set to leave for Messina, Sicily, Italy, where he will spend his sabbatical period. Fr. Cagbabanua and Bro.

Seven New Deacons from the St. Matthew Province

Let us thank the Lord of the harvest for untiringly responding to our ceaseless supplications for numerous laborers in his vast vineyard. Witnessed by confreres, families, relatives, friends and benefactors, seven (7) religious students - Bro. Jobert Belgica, Bro. Peter Hoang Van Dong, Bro. Giovanni Gamaya, Bro. Lorgin Hernaez, Bro. Joseph Phan Hoang Nguyen, Bro. Ferdinandus Heldi Tanga and Bro. Joseph Nguyen Truong Thinh -​

Provincia San Matteo. Sette nuovi diaconi

Ringraziamo per il dono della vocazione rogazionista e preghiamo per la grazia della perseveranza per i novelli diaconi della nostra Congregrazione. Sette confratelli della Provincia San Matteo provenienti da Filippine, Vietnam e Indonesia, infatti, saranno ordinati diaconi alle 16.00 (ora locale) del prossimo 26 agosto 2017, nelle celebrazioni del 40º anniversario dell'inizio della missione rogazionista in Filippine (1976).

Accreditamento del "Rogate Oasis Farm" di Bolinao come Scuola per le Coltivazioni Biologiche

The Rogate Oasis Farm in Brgy. Sampaloc, Bolinao, Pangasinan has been awarded a Certificate of Accreditation as Learning Site by the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) of the Department of Agriculture of the Philippine Government. Dr. Roger Evangelista, ATI-RTC I Center Director, Santa Barabara, Pangasinan handed the certificate to Fr. Mariano Ranera Jr. RCJ, Rogate Oasis Farm Director, during a formal launch ceremony held at the site on August 9, 2017. Guests included Mayor Arnold Celeste of Bolinao, Bolinao Municipal Agriculturist Ms. Carolina Ramirez, Zaragoza Parish Priest Fr.


On August 6, 2017 Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord , Fr. Herman Abcede RCJ, Provincial Superior of Rogationist St. Matthew Province, solemnly blessed the Santuario de San Antonio - Chapel of the Divine Providence (newly built chapel of SABV-Davao) and presided over the Holy Mass. Fr. Ariel O. Tecson delivered a powerful homily which highlighted the person of St.

The Providence - SABV Davao's Official Newsletter

Dearest Confreres, Greetings of peace!

It may be unknown to many of you that SABV-Davao produces its newsletter "The Providence" since June 2016. I am now sending you the June 2017 issue of our newsletter, The Providence. It is the first issue of its second year of publication. may this endeavor make each of us get in touch with and appreciate our apostolate among the poor boys whose prayers are always favored by the Divine Providence through the intercession of St. Anthony of Padua.

7th Death Anniversary of Fr. Joseph Aveni: Remembering, Thanking, Sharing.

Dearest,  This coming July 24 (Monday) we will be commemorating the 7th Death Anniversary of our dear Fr. Joseph Aveni. It is a good occasion to remember his exemplary life, to thank him for the precious teachings he left us and to share memories and experiences from those whose lives have been touched by him. 

For this occasion the Rogationist St. Matthew Province is inviting all to a Eucharistic Celebration before his tomb at the Manila Memorial Park, Parañaque City. There will be also the presentation and distribution of his Short Biography and prayer cards. 


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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