Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

67 Seminary Oratory children receive 1st Communion

Sixty-seven “Fr. Hannibal’s Children” received the 1st Communion on March 4, 2018 at Fr. Hannibal Formation Center, presided by Fr. Herman Abcede, St. Matthew Provincial Superior and assisted by Fr. Ryan Jimenez, Prefect of the Seminary.  The 1st Communion is an annual event that concludes the pastoral year at the Seminary Oratory which is frequented every Sunday by around 1,000 children who come from the poor areas around the Seminary.

Canonical Visit to the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish

On February 23-24, 2018, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, did his Canonical Visit to the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, during which he met the community and had dialogue with each religious. This fraternal encounter included as well the meeting with the Parish Pastoral Council and the staff of the Parish. Bro. Nilo Pelobello, the Provincial Treasurer, also took the opportunity to check on their economic status. The entire affair was documented by Bro.

Canonical Visit to the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies

Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, just completed his Canonical Visit to the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies (FDFCS) and the Rogationist College - Parañaque (RC-P) on February 19-22, 2018. Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun, the Provincial Secretary, after checking on the archives of both institutions, documented the entire affair, whose focus was the Superior's encounter with the community and the individual religious. Fr. Abcede also had the opportunity to talk to the employees of the FDFCS and the enterprises linked to it, like the Rogate Spring, the Rogate Bakery, and the Obolo.

Meeting of Formators of the St. Matthew Province

With the blessing of Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, through the efforts of the Sector of Formation, Religious Life and Pastoral Care for Vocations of the St. Matthew Province, headed Fr. Ariel Tecson, in close collaboration with Fr.

Seminario di Maumere

13 febbraio 2018 - Carissimi, vorrei condividere con voi le foto più recenti della costruzione del seminario di Maumere.  Si prevede che la costruzione sia  completata in agosto.

Saluti da tutti i formatori della Provincia San Matteo. Questa riunione è per me la più fruttuosa che ho avuto di questo genere. Tutti quanti sono impegnati al miglioramento del Direttorio di Formazione della Circoscrizione. Purtroppo domani il luogo dove siamo riuniti sarà colpito da un tifone minore (65km/ora), ma comunque, il lavoro continua. Buona Quaresima a tutti. 

p jomari

Canonical Visit to the community of the St. Anthony’s Boys Village - Silang

​On February 5-9, 2018, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior made his Canonical Visit to the community of the St. Anthony’s Boys Village and the Missionary Station ad experimentum of Oasis of Prayer in Lalaan II, Silang, Cavite. He also took time to encounter those involved in the other entities closely linked to these two communities, namely, the Rogationist College-Cavite, the Novitiate, Rogate Press, Caffe’ Sant’Antonio and the Rogate Images. The visit highlighted encounter with the religious as a community and individually. Bro.

Benedizione della nuova casa rogazionista in Vietnam

Lunedì 5 febbraio 2018 il vescovo Mons. Joseph Nguyen Tuan Tuoc, della diocesi di Phu Cuong, accompagnato dal Vicario per i Religiosi P. Quang e alla presenza del Vicario Generale dei Rogazionisti P. Josemaria Ezpeleta, ha benedetto la nuova casa rogazionista in Vietnam, proprio nella città di Phu Cuong, vicino alla grande Ho Chi Minh. Deo Gratias!

In allegato il messaggio di auguri del Superiore Generale, P. Bruno Rampazzo.

BARTIMAEUS Psycho-Spiritual Integration Program (February 5-16, 2018)

Good day, dearest Confreres!

We ask for your prayers for the Postulants batch COR UNUM who will be undergoing their BARTIMAEUS Psycho-Spiritual Integration Program from February 5-16, 2018. 

BARTIMAEUS is a program designed to discover and to have a "personal enccounter with the true self." This will also enable the Postulants to assess their psycho-emotional needs that are important in the dynamic functioning of their being as person and to arrive at a proper discernment of their calling to the priestly and religious life. 

Canonical Visit to the St. Francis Xavier Parish , Parang, and the Community of the Indigenous People (Aetas)

Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior did his Canonical Visit to the St. Francis Xavier [and St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia] Parish in Parang, Bagac, Bataan on February 1-3, 2018, aiming mainly at meeting the Religious Community [Fr. Ricardo Caperiña, Superior; Fr. Ranny Rodriguez, Parish Priest and Fr. Jonrey Lauron, Collaborator] and to dialogue with each of them, and with the lay leaders of the Parish.

Canonical Visit to the St. Catherine of Siena Parish - Villanueva

​Focusing on meeting the religious community and having personal dialogue with each of them, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, spent the Canonical Visit to the St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Villanueva, Bautista, Pangasinan from January 28-30, 2018. He also had the opportunity to encounter the parish "Lay Ministers" - leaders of the varied parochial organizations and ministries. Bro. Christian Allan de Sagun, the Provincial Secretary, was with him to document the entire visitation and to check on the documents of the Archives of the Religious House and of the Parish. Bro.


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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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