Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)


Sua Eccellenza Nguyen Tan Tuoc Giuseppe della Diocesi di Phu Cuong benedirà la prima casa rogazionista in Vietnam il 5 febbraio 2018, nel 15° anniversario della presenza della congregazione in Vietnam. Attualmente i rogazionisti sono presenti in tre diocesi: Ho Chi Minh Ville, Da Lat e Phu Cuong. Ci sono 15 confrateli vietnamiti, 4 di loro sono diaconi e saranno ordinati sacerdoti in questo anno. Ci sono anche 5 novizi, 7 postulanti, e 12 aspiranti. Grazie al dono di vocazioni abbondanti e alla Providenza Divina tramite l’intercessione di S. Antonio di Padova. DEO GRATIAS!


Seven Rogationist Formators joined at least 400 seminary formators and around 30 Bishops in the Philippines who have gathered at the IC3 Convention Center in Cebu City on January 22-26, 2018 to discuss the implementation of new Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis.

Canonical Visit of the Provincial Superior to the Our Lady of Pillar Parish - Zaragoza

From January 19-21, 2018, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior of the St. Matthew Province, had the joy to meet the small religious community of two, Fr. Antonio Dammay and Fr. Welbert Llyd Suarez, of the Our Lady of Pillar Parish in Zaragoza, Bolinao, Pangasinan. Fr. Orville Cajigal, the Provincial Councilor for Charity and Missions, joined the visit for him to check on the status of the St. Hannibal Educational Center, which caters to the young school children of the parish.

Canonical Visit of the Provincial Superior to the St. Lawrence the Deacon Parish - Bangui

In a short visit, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior of the St. Matthew Province, prioritized  meeting the religious community to hear the report of the Superior on the status of the House and listened to each confrere in a series of fraternal dialogue.  From January 13-14, 2018, Fr. Abcede, with Bro. Nilo Pelobello, the Provincial Treasurer, did their Canonical Visit to the St. Lawrence the Deacon Parish in Bangui, Ilocos Norte, under which the Chapel in Dumalneg belongs, the prime entity Most Rev. Renato Mayugba, the Bishop of Laoag entrusted to the Rogationists.

Canonical Visit of the Provincial Superior to the SHFC - Cebu

Fr. Herman Abcede, the Superior of the St. Matthew Province, did his Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Formation Center – Cebu on January 6-11, 2018. On these days, he met with the religious community to hear the report of the Superior on the status of the House and listened to each confrere in a series of fraternal dialogue.  He also had the opportunity to encounter a group of active members of the Union of Prayer for Vocations affiliated to the Rogationist seminary of Cebu. Time was allotted as well for a separate meeting with the seminarians and the lay personnel. Bro.

Buona Natale dal mondo Rogazionista

Pubblichiamo volentieri gli auguri che giungono dalle nostre Comunità e dalla Famiglia del Rogate, come occasione per rafforzare la nostra fraternità nella gioia del Natale.

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Gloria in excelsis Deo!
A blessed Christmas and gracious 2018!
HE became one of us so that we might become like HIM.. May the Immanuel reign in our hearts so as to make us servants of His love. Shalom! Pagpapala!May the Immanuel reign in our hearts so as to make us servants of His love especially this Year for the Clergy and Consecrated Persons.
In the Spirit of Rogate,
Fr ariel, RCJ

Rogationst St. Matthew Province

Pubblichiamo volentieri gli auguri che giungono dalle nostre Comunità e dalla Famiglia del Rogate, come occasione per rafforzare la nostra fraternità nella gioia del Natale.

Our heartfelt greetings of a hope-filled Christmas and New Year!

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Buon Natale dal mondo Rogazionista

Pubblichiamo volentieri gli auguri che giungono dalle nostre Comunità e dalla Famiglia del Rogate, come occasione per rafforzare la nostra fraternità nella gioia del Natale.

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Four New Priests from the St. Matthew Province

​In a celebration, which officially concluded the year-long commemoration of the 40 years of presence and service in the Philippines, the Rogationists of the St. Matthew Province welcomed four new priests: Fr. Jorem Bellen, Fr. Zander Conson, Fr. Jose Gasta and Fr. Jonrey Lauron. Through the Imposition of the Hands and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit by Most Rev. Socrates Villegas, DD, Archbishop of Ligayen-Dagupan, they were ordained priests at the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish in Multinational Village, Parañaque City, on November 25, 2017.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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